Ty- Jour T1-多年生和周期性哮喘管理中的血清嗜酸性粒细胞阳离子阳离子蛋白测量:一项前瞻性研究JF-欧洲呼吸杂志JO -EUR RESSIR J SP -594 LP -598 LP -598 VL -11 IS -11 IS -3 AU -DE BLAY,F- de Blay,F,Fau -purohit,a au -stenger,r au -gries,p au -hamberger,c au -david,b au -frossard,n au -au -pauli,g y1-1998/03/01 ur -http:// http:// erj。erersjournals.com/content/11/3/594.abstract n2-我们进行了一项前瞻性研究:1)确定在多年生哮喘患者中是否可以在血清嗜酸性粒细胞阳离子蛋白(ECP)水平和临床和功能状态之间找到相关性在5个月的前瞻性研究中;2)评估周期性哮喘患者中过敏性暴露与ECP水平之间的关系。选择了两组哮喘患者:一组急性病多年生哮喘患者和一组周期性哮喘患者。急性哮喘的急性多年生哮喘患者(n = 22,平均年龄= 39.4岁)包括在急性哮喘的住院下。在住院结束时,临床,功能和药物评分以及嗜酸性粒细胞计数和ECP水平进行了5个月的随访。周期性哮喘组由哮喘患者组成,对桦木和树粉敏感(n = 10,平均年龄= 33.8岁)。在花粉季节之前,期间和之后,对该组进行了相同的测量。 Under corticosteroid treatment in the acutely ill patients, there was a significant decrease in serum ECP levels between the first day of hospitalization and the day of discharge (mean: 23.2 microg x L(-1) and 9.5 microg x L(-1), respectively; p=0.006). No correlation was found between the clinical status, functional status and serum ECP levels during the 5 month follow-up. A significant increase in ECP levels was found in periodic asthmatics during the pollen season. Our results suggest that serum eosinophil cationic protein is a useful marker of allergen exposure and of acute asthma treatment. This could be of importance in the prevention and follow-up of allergic asthma; the value of serum eosinophil cationic protein measurements in the day-to-day management of adult asthmatics needs to be further clarified. ER -