TY-Jour T1 - 学校儿童振荡和肺肺功能指数的短期变化JF - 欧洲呼吸期刊Jo - Eur Respir J SP - 82 LP - 87 VL - 10是 - 1 Au - Timonen,KL Au - Randell,JT Au - Salonen,Ro Au - Pekkanen,J Y1 - 1997/01/01 UR - //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/10/1/82.abstract n2 - 这项研究的目的是立即比较,每日和每周变化通过强制振荡技术(RRS,FOT)测量呼吸阻力,通过强制振荡技术(RRS,FOT)在7-12岁儿童患儿慢性呼吸系统症状的血液计量指标测量。肺功能测量在19个儿童中进行4天,即连续两天连续两天。每天在每天,测量在一天中同时进行,并始终重复三次。此外,将RRS,FOT和Spirometric Lung函数指数与12名儿童的运动攻击试验进行比较。RRS的intrAseBject系数(CoV)的变化系数,FOT大于肌肉索引。只有在立即重复的测量中,最大呼气流量的COV将以大于RRS的25%的至关重要,FOT(16.6 Vs 14.9%)。在所有时间间隔,在强制生命能力(FVC)中观察到最小的COV或在一秒钟内的强制呼气量与FVC(2.0-2.6%)的比率。在排除RRS时,在立即重复测量之间的2 SD(0.11kPa.L-1.S)内的差异,立即重复测量RRS的COV,FOT的COV降低至9.1%,更小 than that of maximal mid-expiratory flow (10.1%). However, even then the day-to-day variation in Rrs,FOT was clearly larger (16.0%) than those of the airflow indices at specified lung volumes (7.2-8.3%). This was also true for the weekly variation. In the exercise challenge test, there were larger changes in Rrs,FOT values than in the spirometric indices, but Rrs,FOT was the most sensitive index to detect changes in the respiratory system. In conclusion, the variation in Rrs,FOT values was larger than that of most spirometric indices. When a reliability index was applied, the immediate variation in Rrs,FOT values was comparable to those of the airflow indices at specified lung volumes. Rrs,FOT was also the most sensitive index in the exercise challenge test, and therefore it seems to be suitable for detection of short-term functional changes in the respiratory system. However, the relatively low repeatability of Rrs,FOT over days and weeks may limit its applicability to longer-term follow-ups. ER -