RT轴颈文章SR电子T1是否酮别酮对儿童哮喘有类固醇效果?jf欧洲呼吸杂志Jo EUR RESPIR J FD欧洲呼吸学会SP 65 OP 70 VO 10是1188bet官网地址 A1 Canny,GJ A1 Reisman,J A1 Levison,H YR 1997 UL //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/10/1鉴于吸入皮质类固醇的可能全身副作用(ICS),进行了一种研究以确定ketotifen(与安慰剂)是否可以代替或允许减少维护治疗所需的剂量的剂量童年哮喘。选择六十六个儿童(6-13岁),哮喘(通过甲素攻击确认),被选中在ICS的剂量下,以<或= 1 mg.day-1的剂量为单位,52名受试者完成了试验。不包括长期口腔类固醇或甘甘露糖的儿童。在4周的基线期后,儿童随机被随机接受Ketotifen,2 Mg.Day-1或安慰剂32周。在该研究的第13-20周之间,每天每隔一周逐渐减少25%的类固醇,以患者耐受的最小剂量逐渐变为25%。对于研究的其余部分(第21-32周)患者继续进行此剂量(如果耐受)。必要时允许β2-激动剂进行症状浮雕。 During the baseline period, the mean daily ICS dosage was 432 micrograms in the ketotifen group versus 408 micrograms in the placebo group (NS). Among the-patients who completed the study, the average ICS dosage during the final phase of the study (Weeks 21-32) was only 18% of baseline in the ketotifen group versus 35% in the placebo group (NS). Lung function, diurnal variability in peak flow rates and methacholine sensitivity (provocative concentration producing a 20% fall in forced expiratory volume in one second (PC20)) remained unchanged in both groups throughout the study. During the last 12 weeks of the study, the ketotifen-treated patients were symptomatically better controlled. In the present study, ketotifen did not have a greater steroid-sparing effect than placebo.