PT -期刊文章盟格鲁伯W非盟-希伯,E盟——Steinbrugger B非盟- Modl,米非盟- Weinhandl E盟——扎克女士TI -特异反应性,无症状儿科哮喘患者的肺功能和支气管反应DP - 1997年5月01 TA -欧洲呼吸杂志》第六PG - 1041 - 1045 - 10的IP - 5 4099 - // 4100 - //所以欧元和J1997可能01;10 AB -在青春期,一些儿科哮喘病人会变得无症状,不需要进一步的治疗。异位的状态信息,这些患者的肺功能和支气管反应。无症状的哮喘患者(n = 118)年龄在7.7 - -19.2岁,进行评估后1年终止治疗。支气管哮喘此前被诊断的基础上反复喘息发作。异位的地位被皮测试评估。基线肺功能测定肺量测定法,煤层瓦斯曲线和体积描记法。支气管反应被寒冷干燥的空气非药物评估的挑战。八十一名患者至少有一个积极的皮肤测试结果,剩下的37被定义为nonatopic。在特应性主题,支气管高反应性的患病率明显高于nonatopic例(41 81和7的37; p=0.001). Atopic subjects showed a significantly lower maximal expiratory flow at 25% remaining vital capacity (p<0.05) and a higher residual volume (p<0.05) than nonatopic subjects. Nonatopic subjects were significantly younger than atopic patients (p<0.01). These symptom- and medication-free paediatric and adolescent asthma patients could, thus, be divided into two groups: 1) atopic subjects with a tendency towards bronchial hyperresponsiveness; and 2) nonatopic subjects with better lung function and normal bronchial responsiveness In view of the increased understanding of the epidemiology of early childhood wheezing, these findings support the concept of different pathogenic mechanisms underlying wheezing episodes in early childhood.