PT-日记文章Au- Martinez -Moragon,E Au -Au -au -aparicio,J au -Rogado,Mc Au -Sanchis,J au -Sanchis,f au -gil -suay- gil -suay,v ti -pleuroveress-恶性阴茎液体中的胸膜骨骼:一项随机研究四环素与博来霉素DP -1997年10月1日TA-欧洲呼吸杂志PG -2380--2383 VI -10 IP -10 IP -10 4099 - 4100 -HTTP:Short 4100 -HTTP:// so -eur Respir j1997 10月1日;10 AB-恶性胸腔积液通常通过管胸腔造口术进行管理,然后进行化学胸膜固定术。四环素和博来霉素均已证明对胸膜内滴注是有效的,尽管这两个药物都没有明确证明与其他药物相比具有优势。本研究的目的是根据反应率和毒性特征比较这两种药物。在一个中心进行了前瞻性随机试验。在1993年5月至1996年1月之间,将62例可评估的恶性胸腔积液患者分配为接受胸膜内四环素(1.5 g)或同一引流过程后的博来霉素(60 mg)。两组的人口统计学,临床和流体参数数据都相当。在胸膜固定后1、3和6个月评估反应。两组之间的平均生存和复发时间没有差异。 No statistically significant differences were found in terms of efficacy at each evaluation time. Overall, 16 (52%) and 20 (64%) patients had a recurrence of pleural effusion during follow-up in the tetracycline and bleomycin arms, respectively. Fever was most common in bleomycin-treated patients (p=0.024) while pain was most frequent in the tetracycline arm (nonsignificant). Since no study agent was superior to the other in this trial, we suggest that economic costs, drug availability and medical skill should be considered in the choice of a sclerosing agent.