ty -jour t1-中度严重的慢性气流阻塞。皮质类固醇可以减慢阻塞吗?JF-欧洲呼吸杂志JO -EUR RESSIR J SP -22 LP -26 VL -1 IS -1 AU -POSTMA,DS AU -PETERS,I AU -Steenhuis,EJ Au -Sluiter -Sluiter,HJ Y1-1988/01/01 UR-http://www.qdcxjkg.com/content/1/1/1/22.abstract N2-在一项对严重慢性气流阻塞(CAO)患者的一项以前的研究中,(一秒钟(FEV1)范围为350-910 mL),我们得出的结论是,每天的口服皮质类固醇可能会减慢疾病的进展。目前对139名非过敏患者(FEV1大于或等于1200 mL,FEV1)的长期长期研究结果(14 - 20年)的研究,FEV1为生命力的百分比(FEV1%VC)40-55%)确认并扩展我们以前的观察结果。及时确认了FEV1和灵感生命能力(VC)的四种模式:1)线性减少;2)没有变化;3)初始增加,然后减少;4)初始减少,然后增加。与第2组和第4组相比,第1组和第3组具有较高的功能残留能力,占总肺部容量(FRC%TLC)的百分比; the work of breathing was lower in group 2 than in the other three groups. Otherwise the initial 82 parameters, including the degree of reversibility of airflow obstruction and smoking habits were comparable in the four groups. The four patterns of FEV1 showed a strong association with the long-term use of prednisolone. When oral prednisolone was instituted or increased to a dose of at least 10 mg/day continuously, FEV1 either remained constant, decreased more slowly or even increased over many years of follow-up. When the oral dose was diminished to below 10 mg/day, FEV1 decreased.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS) ER -