Ty -jour t1-测量技术影响气流限制患者的转移因子(TICO)对Salbutamol的响应JF -Europen呼吸杂志JO -EUR RESSIR J SP -15 LP -15 LP -15 LP -21 VL -1 IS -1 AU -1 AU -CHINN,DJ,DJau -askew,j au -au -la au -cotes,je y1-1988/01/01 ur -http://www.qdcxjkg.com/content.com/content/1/1/1/15.abstract n2-在二十种具有可逆气流限制的患者中,使用肺泡体积(Ti)的多核算估计值(Ti)获得。有效的呼吸时间是通过美国胸腔学会(ATS),ATS流行病学标准化项目(ESP),琼斯和米德(Jones)和米德(Meade)修改的四种方法计算的。简化的方法在体积而不是时间方面是抽样津贴。两名患者只能在沙丁胺醇后执行测试程序。在其余部分中,使用肺泡体积(TI')的单刷估计值计算的转移因子平均比Ti少12%。通过ESP方法,一氧化碳转移系数(KCO),Ti和Ti'是最高的,而Ogilvie方法最低。吸入Salbutamol(200 Gamma)不会通过Jones和Meade方法通过任何方法或Ti和KCO影响TI',但其他方法的结果降低了。在修改后的Ogilvie方法的情况下,还原为3.9%。 This error was due to overestimation of effective breathholding time by neglecting the reduction of 39% which occurred in the time of sample collection. The time of inspiration was unchanged whilst the time of deadspace washout was reduced by 16%. After bronchodilatation the absence of a change in TI' was due to the overestimation of effective breathholding time being offset by an increase in the proportion of alveolar volume measured by the single-breath procedure.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS) ER -