%0期刊文章%A Thompson,AB%A Teschler,H%A Wang,YM%A KONIETZKO,N%COSTZKO,U%T制备支气管肺泡灌洗液与显微镜幻灯片涂抹污迹%D 1996%J欧洲呼吸轴颈%P.603-608%V 9%N 3%X用于细胞学检查的支气管肺泡灌洗液(BALF)的制备方法可以显着影响蜂窝定量的结果。研究表明,细胞诱导导致低估了淋巴细胞和膜过滤剂的数量,以低估了中性粒细胞的数量。作为这两种技术的简单替代方案,可以通过显微镜载玻片涂片技术制备BALF电池,这是熟悉用于制备用于差分计数的外周血的装置。为了比较通过显微镜载玻片技术确定的细胞差异,使用由细胞屈服引起的差异,使用标准方法从35个BALF样品中分离细胞,并使用血管致键仪计算。通过细胞成分(3分钟,57×G; cytospin 2)和5×10(5)个细胞通过显微镜载玻片涂片,通过细胞成℃(3分钟,57×g; cytospin 2)和5×10(5)个细胞中的40毫升细胞。将两个样品都气干燥,使用May-Grunwald Giemsa染色染色,计数600个细胞以获得差异。为了测试通过显微镜幻灯片涂抹的采样的充分性,将已知数量的淋巴细胞或中性粒细胞加入到固定数量的BALF细胞中,制备的显微镜载玻片涂片,并在600个细胞上测定差异。将得到的差异与计算的差异进行比较。用显微镜滑动涂抹涂片技术的BALF细胞的制备产生了良好保存的细胞形态。 Compared to cytocentrifugation, microscope slide smear preparations had significantly higher percentages of lymphocytes. The microscope slide smears for the samples with predetermined numbers of cells yielded lymphocyte and neutrophil percentages which did not differ from the calculated differentials (59.6 +/- 1.5 vs 59.6 +/- 5.2% and 54.6 +/- 6.0 vs 53.1 +/- 6.0%, respectively). Varying the number of cells counted from 100 to 800 confirmed the reproducibility of the counts for counting 600 cells. Using 5 x 10(5), 2.5 x 10(5), or 1 x 10(5) cells per preparation demonstrated that adequate specimens could be obtained from as few as 1 x 10(5) cells. Thus, microscope slide smear preparation is a simple and accurate method for the quantitation of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid cytology. %U //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/erj/9/3/603.full.pdf