ty -jour t1-胃作为机械通气过程中呼吸道定植的来源:与呼吸机相关的肺炎JF的关联 - 欧洲呼吸杂志JO -EUR RESSIR J SP -1729 LP -1735 LP -1735 VL -9 IS -8 AU -8 AU -TORES -TORES -TORES -TORES -TORES -TORRES,au -el -ebiary,m au -soler,n au -n au -n au -ca au -fabregas,n au -hernandez,c y1-1996/08/01 ur -http://www.qdcxjkg.com/content/content/9/8/1729.Abstract N2-呼吸机相关肺炎(VAP)的aetiopatheogeny需要异常的口咽和胃定植,并将其内容物进一步吸收到下部气道。如果在人工气道患者中发生微生物的抽吸或接种,即机械,细胞和/或体液防御的患者发生了微生物,则VAP很容易发展。胃定植的众所周知的危险因素包括:胃果汁分泌的改变;胃含量的碱化;肠内营养;和胆红素的存在。但是,殖民化胃储层在VAP发展中的作用仍然值得商bat。有利于胃在VAP发展中的作用的证据主要来自重症监护室(ICU)中选择性肠道净化和预防压力性溃疡的随机对照试验,其中减轻了胃的细菌负担降低发生率医院呼吸道感染。 However, at least three studies of flora have found an absence of stomach origin of pneumonia occurring during mechanical ventilation. Prophylactic measures suggested to prevent VAP in relation to the gastric reservoir include: treatment for stress ulcers with sucralfate; prevention of duodenal reflux with metoclopramide; reduction of gastric burden and bacterial translocation by selective digestive decontamination; acidification of enteral feeding; and jejunal feeding. Gastro-oesophageal reflux can be prevented by using small bore nasogastric tubes and jejunal feeding. The aspiration of gastric contents can be reduced by positioning patients in a semirecumbent position, checking the patency of the tube cuff, and aspiration of subglottic secretions. The role of the stomach as a reservoir for microorganisms causing ventilator-associated pneumonia is still controversial but despite the debate, there is major evidence in the literature in favour of the gastric origin of part of these pulmonary infections. ER -