TY - T1的胸腔镜sympathicolysis基本多汗:对肺功能的影响摩根富林明-欧洲呼吸杂志》乔欧元和J SP - 1660 LP - 1664 - 10.1183 / 09031936.96.09081660六世- 9 - 8盟Noppen M盟——Vincken W Y1 - 1996/08/01 UR - //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/9/8/1660.abstract N2 -双边上背交感神经链的中断在D2和D3水平代表唯一的永久治愈基本多汗。手术切除交感神经后,观察到肺功能的显著和症状性改变。由于手术干预对功能的影响不能排除,我们想知道胸腔镜下交感神经溶解后是否也会发生这种改变;这些应该归因于手术去神经本身。47例患者在胸腔镜下进行交感神经溶解前和术后6周的肺功能测试(PFTs),包括肺活量测定和体容积描记术测量肺容积、气道阻力和导通。为了几乎排除胸腔镜对试验结果的任何影响,35例患者在胸腔镜下交感肠液溶解后6个月重复进行pft。所有患者的原发性多汗症均得到完全缓解,从而证实了D2-D3交感神经链的中断。所有患者在胸腔镜下进行交感神经溶解后均无呼吸道症状。胸腔镜下交感神经溶解后6周,1秒用力呼气量(FEV1)(-3%)、呼出肺活量75% (FEF75)后用力呼气流量(-8%)和总肺活量(TLC)(-3%)轻微但显著降低;而气道阻力(Raw)增加(+12%)。 After correction for the small decrease in lung volume (FEV1/forced vital capacity (FVC), specific airway resistance (sRaw), specific airway conductance (sGaw))significant changes in "volume-dependent" PFT parameters were no longer observed. Smoking status had no influence on the reduction in FEF75. At 6 months after thoracoscopic sympathicolysis, TLC had returned to preoperative values, whereas FEF75 remained decreased (-8.6%). The decrease in airway calibre was confirmed by small but significant changes in FEV1/FVC (-2%) and Raw (+29%). We conclude that thoracoscopic sympathicolysis in patients with essential hyperhidrosis causes only minimal and subclinical changes in pulmonary function secondary to a temporary small decrease in lung volume, which in turn is probably inherent to the thoracoscopic procedure. D2-D3 sympathicolysis, in itself, is responsible only for a small and permanent decrease in forced expiratory flow, which suggests that, at least in essential hyperhidrosis patients, airway bronchomotor tone is influenced by sympathetic innervation. ER -