PT -期刊文章盟Bacchella L AU - Tinelli, C AU - Gile, LS AU - Peona, V AU - Aprile, C AU - Gorrini, M AU - Pasturenzi, L AU - Cetta, G AU - Luisetti, M TI - Serum type I and type III procollagen peptide levels in sarcoidosis DP - 1996 Aug 01 TA - European Respiratory Journal PG - 1648--1651 VI - 9 IP - 8 4099 - // 4100 - // SO - Eur Respir J1996 Aug 01; 9 AB - Type I and type III are the most abundant collagens in the lung. The aim of our study was to compare type I and III procollagen peptides in sera of sarcoid patients. Sixty eight patients with sarcoidosis were studied (19 with newly recognized disease, 7 with relapsing disease, 15 with chronic disease, and 27 in stable remission). Thirty healthy volunteers served as controls. The levels of procollagen I and III peptides were determined by radioimmunoassay. Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) level was evaluated by means of a colorimetric assay. In patients with newly recognized sarcoidosis, both serum procollagen I and III peptide levels were increased with respect to controls (p=0.0014 and p<0.00001, respectively). There was a poor correlation between levels of procollagen I and III (r=0.26), whereas there was a closer correlation between procollagen III and ACE (r=0.69). Procollagen I peptide level did not identify patients in roentgenological stage III. In conclusion, in patients with newly recognized sarcoidosis there is a significant increase in the serum level of procollagen I peptide. However, procollagen I peptide is not a marker of sarcoid patients with fibrosis, ie. stage III disease. Its clinical usefulness seems to be weaker than that of procollagen III peptide.