PT-日记文章Au -Sester,M.Au -Sotgiu,G.Au -Lange,C.Au -Giehl,C.Au -Girardi -Girardi,E.Au -Migliori,G.B。AU -BOSSINK,A.AU -DHEDA,K。AU -DIEL,R.AU -DOMINGUEZ,J.AU -LIPMAN,M.AU -NEMETH -NEMETH,J.AU -RAVN,P. AU -WINKLER -S. AU - AU-Huitric,E。Au -Sandgren,A。Au -Manissero,D。Ti-干扰素-γ释放分析,用于诊断活性结核病:系统评价和荟萃分析辅助工具-109031936.00114810呼吸杂志PG -100--111 VI -37 IP -1 4099 - 4100 - so -eur Respir J2011 1月1日;37 AB - 干扰素释放分析(IGRAS)现在已建立,用于在许多国家对潜在感染伴有结核分枝杆菌的潜在感染。然而,IGRA在诊断活性结核病(TB)中的作用尚不清楚。遵循有关系统评价和荟萃分析(PRISMA)的首选报告项目(PRISMA)以及诊断准确性研究(QUADAS)指南的质量评估,我们搜索了PubMed,Embase和Cochrane数据库,以识别2001年1月至2009年发表的研究,这些研究评估了使用的证据,这些研究评估了使用的证据Quantiferon-TB®GoldIn-Tube(QFT-G-IT)和T-Spot.tb®直接在血液或外毒性标本上,用于诊断活性TB。文献搜索产生了844项研究,27项符合纳入标准。在血液和血液外液中,活性结核病诊断的汇总灵敏度为80%(95%CI 75-84%),QFT-G-IT的48%(95%CI 39-58%)和81%(95%CI 39-58%)和81%(t-spot.tb®分别为95%CI 78–84%)和88%(确认和未经证实的病例)(95%CI 82-92%)。 In blood and extrasanguinous fluids, the pooled specificity was 79% (95% CI 75–82%) and 82% (95% CI 70–91%) for QFT-G-IT, and 59% (95% CI 56–62%) and 82% (95% CI 78–86%) for T-SPOT.TB®, respectively. Although the diagnostic sensitivities of both IGRAs were higher than that of tuberculin skin tests, it was still not high enough to use as a rule out test for TB. Positive evidence for the use of IGRAs in compartments other than blood will require more independent and carefully designed prospective studies.