TY - T1的哮喘住院率之间的关系,路线的承认,和社会经济剥夺JF -欧洲呼吸杂志》乔和J SP - 2087 LP - 2093欧元六世- 9 - 10 AU -沃森,摩根大通AU -考恩,P AU -刘易斯,RA Y1 - 1996/10/01 UR - //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/9/10/2087.abstract N2 -本研究旨在探讨哮喘患者住院数之间的关系和社会经济剥夺。住院的回顾性研究了一年英格兰西米德兰地区哮喘(n = 10044)、和在该地区的一个富裕的地区,伍斯特(n = 251)。年龄标准化入学比率(SARs)哮喘,和住院的路线,与城镇相比,剥夺指数居住地。哮喘SAR与剥夺密切相关的居住地区城镇结束索引(斯皮尔曼等级相关系数ρ= 0.65;p = 0.004)。哮喘住院率为所有年龄组,除了那些年龄超过65岁,高在贫穷地区。大大大比例的紧急招生在贫穷地区通过事故和急诊,而不是全科医生推荐(ρ= 0.76;p < 0.001). Within Worcester District, SAR was associated with Townsend Index for the ward of residence (rho = 0.39; p < 0.001). This remained significant after excluding repeat admissions (rho = 0.45; p < 0.001). We conclude that asthma admissions are strongly associated with deprivation in the community. Differences in the health care received during acute exacerbations by asthma patients from different economic backgrounds is likely to be an important factor in this relationship. ER -