RT期刊文章SR电子T1 ycobacterium鸟结核复杂基因组学和传播在伦敦一家医院摩根富林明欧洲呼吸杂志乔和J FD欧元欧洲呼吸学会SP 61 10.1183/13993003.01237 -2022签证官2201237是4 A1安德利J·范托尼过去A1 Huw188bet官网地址 c·埃利斯A1科林·p·朝向教堂A1 8月Kumar A1 Newara斋月A1苏珊·本森A1朱利安Parkhill A1米里亚姆·威廉Moffatt A1 Michael r . Loebinger A1超频Cookson年2023 UL //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/61/4/2201237.abstract AB背景Non-tuberculous分枝杆菌(特种加工)是环境微生物和投机取巧的病原体在个人预先存在的肺部疾病,如囊性纤维化(CF)和non-CF支气管扩张。虽然脓肿分枝杆菌的最近的研究已经确定了单CF内传输中心以及全国和全球其他特种加工物种的传播研究更少。米ethods To investigate the potential for transmission of the Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC) we sequenced 996 isolates from 354 CF and non-CF patients at the Royal Brompton Hospital (London, UK; collected 2013–2016) and analysed them in a global context. Epidemiological links were identified from patient records. Previously published genomes were used to characterise global population structures.Results We identified putative transmission clusters in three MAC species, although few epidemiological links could be identified. For M. avium, lineages were largely limited to single countries, while for Mycobacterium chimaera, global transmission clusters previously associated with heater-cooler units (HCUs) were found. However, the immediate ancestor of the lineage causing the major HCU-associated outbreak was a lineage already circulating in patients.Conclusions CF and non-CF patients shared transmission chains, although the lack of epidemiological links suggested that most transmission is indirect and may involve environmental intermediates or asymptomatic carriage in the wider population.Transmission of Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC) species is indirect and may involve environmental intermediates or asymptomatic carriage in the wider population https://bit.ly/3FQWqnF