RT期刊文章SR电子T1各自的角色的非药物干预细支气管炎暴发:打断了时间序列分析基于跨国监测系统摩根富林明欧洲呼吸杂志乔和J FD欧元欧洲呼吸学会SP 61 10.1183/13993003.01172 -2022签证官2201172是2 A1 Lea Lenglart A1 Naim Ouldali A1凯特Honeyford A1 Zsolt Bognar A1西尔维亚Bressan A1达尼洛Buonsenso A1 Liviana Da居屋单位A1 Tisham De A1露丝Farr188bet官网地址ugia A1伊恩·a . h k . Maconochie A1摩尔A1 Rianne Oostenbrink A1尼科洛Parri A1 Damian罗兰A1凯蒂玫瑰A1将有关阿克于兹Ozkan A1弗朗索瓦Angoulvant A1卡米尔Aupiais A1克拉丽莎理发师A1迈克尔·巴雷特A1罗曼Basmaci A1苏珊娜Castanhinha A1安东尼奥Chiaretti A1椎名Durnin A1帕特里克•菲茨帕特里克A1 Laszlo Fodor A1 Borja戈麦斯A1 Susanne Greber-Platzer A1罗曼Guedj A1 Florian嘿A1莉娜Jankauskaite A1 Daniela Kohlfuerst A1 Ines Mascarenhas A1安娜玛丽亚Musolino A1 Zanda Pučuka A1索非亚Reis A1亚历克西斯Rybak A1 Petra班子A1马提亚Schaffert A1凯伦Shahar-Nissan A1玛丽亚奇亚拉Supino A1 Ozlem Teksam A1癌症图兰A1罗伯托•贝拉斯科A1路德g . Nijman A1 Luigi Titomanlio A1集研究小组2023年UL //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/61/2/2201172.abstract AB背景毛细支气管炎是全世界年轻人morbimortality儿童的主要来源。非药物干预(npi)实现减少传播的严重急性呼吸系统综合症冠状病毒2对毛细支气管炎的爆发可能有重要的影响,以及重大的社会后果。区分他们各自的影响将有助于定义最优公共卫生策略对毛细支气管炎。我们的目的是评估每个NPI的各自影响毛细支气管炎在14个欧洲国家爆发。方法我们进行了准实验中断时间序列分析基于国际多中心研究。所有的孩子被诊断为毛细支气管炎向的儿科急诊中心从2018年1月至2021年3月27日包括在内。我们评估每个NPI之间的关系随着时间的推移和毛细支气管炎的变化趋势,经季节性因素调整后的多变量准泊松回归模型。结果总共42 916名儿童被包括在内。我们观察到一个总体累计78% (95% CI 100 -−−54%;p < 0.0001)降低毛细支气管炎病例NPI后实现。减少不同国家之间从−97% (95% CI 100 -−−47%; p=0.0005) to −36% (95% CI −79–7%; p=0.105). Full lockdown (incidence rate ratio (IRR) 0.21 (95% CI 0.14–0.30); p<0.001), secondary school closure (IRR 0.33 (95% CI 0.20–0.52); p<0.0001), wearing a mask indoors (IRR 0.49 (95% CI 0.25–0.94); p=0.034) and teleworking (IRR 0.55 (95% CI 0.31–0.97); p=0.038) were independently associated with reducing bronchiolitis.Conclusions Several NPIs were associated with a reduction of bronchiolitis outbreaks, including full lockdown, school closure, teleworking and facial masking. Some of these public health interventions may be considered to further reduce the global burden of bronchiolitis.Among the various non-pharmaceutical interventions implemented against SARS-CoV-2 in Europe, full lockdown, school closure, facial masking and teleworking were preventive measures associated with a reduction in the number of bronchiolitis cases https://bit.ly/3SyqqYS