@article {Hobohm2200619作者={卢卡斯Hobohm和Ingo Sagoschen斯特凡诺巴可和Ioannis t . Farmakis尤格Fedeli塞巴斯蒂安Koelmel和托马索·戈里Christine Espinola-Klein和托马斯·M {\ " u} nzel Stavros Konstantinides和卡斯滕·凯勒},title = {COVID-19感染及其对患者病死率的影响肺栓塞},体积= {61}= {1},elocation-id = {2200619} = {2023}, doi ={10.1183/13993003.00619 -2022},出版商={欧洲呼吸学会},文摘={背景虽然盛行的肺栓塞(PE)据报道2019年与冠状病毒疾病协会(COVID-19)在危重患者中,全国数据的结果住院患者COVID-19和PE仍然有限。188bet官网地址因此,我们调查了季节性趋势和预测住院死亡患者COVID-19和PE在德国。方法我们使用德国全国住院病人样本数据分析住院患者COVID-19和没有体育在2020年期间,和检测PE患病率和病死率的变化与2019年相比。结果,我们分析了176 137 2020年住院COVID-19;PE是记录在1.9 \ % (n = 3362)的排放证书。几乎三分之一的COVID-19和PE患者住院期间死亡课程(28.7 \ %)与COVID-19患者相比无PE (17.7 \ %)。从2019年到2020年,数字的PE-related住院治疗上主要是不变(98 485和97 718),而体育的病死率在2020年略有增加(从12.7 \ 13.1 \ % %;p < 0.001)。病死率差异被发现2020年PE患者和没有COVID-19之间(28.7和12.5 \ \ % %;p \ < 0.001),对应PE-related死亡的风险增加3.1倍(2.91或3.16,95 \ % CI {\ textendash} 3.42;p \ < 0.001)在COVID-19面前。Conclusions In Germany, the prevalence of PE events during hospitalisations was similar in 2019 and 2020. However, the fatality rate among patients with both COVID-19 and PE was substantially higher than that in those with only one of these diseases, suggesting a life-threatening additive prognostic impact of the COVID-19{\textendash}PE combination.This study demonstrated a considerable impact of COVID-19 on adverse outcomes of patients with pulmonary embolism in 2020, which should guide attention to this special population with regard to antithrombotic prevention and diagnostic strategies https://bit.ly/3zz3OjZ}, issn = {0903-1936}, URL = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/61/1/2200619}, eprint = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/61/1/2200619.full.pdf}, journal = {European Respiratory Journal} }