@article {Skov2103054作者={英奇Raadal Skov Hanne马德森和丹尼尔Pilsgaard亨利雅各Harbo安徒生和安东Potteg {\ r} rd和Jesper r {\ o} mhild Davidsen}, title ={低剂量口服糖皮质激素在哮喘的同事增加发病率和死亡率},体积= {60}= {3},elocation-id = {2103054} = {2022}, doi ={10.1183/13993003.03054 -2021},出版商={欧洲呼吸学会},文摘={背景长期口服皮质类固醇(OCS)治疗严重哮喘是造成重大不利影响,但低风险的一般知识的影响哮喘的数量是有限的。188bet官网地址我们旨在探索在一个全国性的丹麦人口哮喘。方法18岁哮喘药物的用户{\ textendash} 45年被确定在丹麦全国注册1999 {\ textendash} 2018年和遵循前瞻性open-cohort设计。商务用户事件被倾向得分匹配1:4使用者与更换。口服避孕药使用和事件之间的关联并发症被Cox回归检验。死亡率、死因和计划外医院进行了评估。结果商务用户(n = 352),相比之下,使用者(n = 121 408),所有的风险增加{\ textendash}结果有明显的剂量反应关系开始累积剂量的< = 500毫克(prednisolone-equivalent)。风险比率范围从1.24 (95 \ % CI 1.18 {\ textendash} 1.30)骨折8.53 (95 \ % CI 3.97 {\ textendash} 18.33)肾上腺机能不全。抑郁/焦虑发生率最高的差异为4.3 (95 \ % CI 3.6 {\ textendash} 5.0)每1000人每年。Asthma-specific死亡率通常是低为0.15 (95 \ % CI 0.11 {\ textendash} 0.20)和0.04 (95 \ % CI 0.02 {\ textendash} 0.06)每1000人每年为商务用户和使用者,分别。 Mortality rates and unscheduled hospital visits increased with increasing OCS exposure.Conclusion The study findings should be interpreted with their observational nature in mind. However, we found that even at low cumulative exposure, OCS use in asthma management was associated with increased risk of comorbidities, mortality and unscheduled hospital visits. Effective strategies for optimising asthma control and reducing OCS use are pivotal in asthma management.Oral corticosteroid use in asthma treatment is associated with an increase in morbidity and mortality even after low cumulative doses of <=500 mg (prednisolone-equivalent) and with evidence of dose{\textendash}response relationships https://bit.ly/3gBSEAB}, issn = {0903-1936}, URL = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/60/3/2103054}, eprint = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/60/3/2103054.full.pdf}, journal = {European Respiratory Journal} }