RT期刊文章SR电子T1 COL4A3退化在过敏性哮喘和退化预测响应ige疗法摩根富林明欧洲呼吸杂志乔和J FD欧元欧洲呼吸学会SP 2003969 10.1183/13993003.03969 -2020签证官58是6 A1马库斯Weckmann A1托马斯Bahmer A1 Jannie玛丽沙A1莎拉排名Rønnow A1马丁Pech A1 Corne188bet官网地址lis Vermeulen A1阿伦Faiz A1戴安娜朱莉Leeming A1 Morten阿塞Karsdal A1 Lars隆德A1布莱恩·乔治·g·奥利弗A1迈克尔Wegmann A1古娟Ulrich-Merzenich A1乌维r . Juergens A1 Jannis Duhn A1 Yves Laumonnier A1奥尔加Danov A1凯瑟丽娜Sewald A1 Ulrich Zissler A1 Marnix Jonker A1 Inke康尼锡A1 Gesine汉森A1 Erika von Mutius A1奥利弗Fuchs A1安娜。玛利亚这样的> A1比安卡肖布A1 Christine Happle A1克劳斯·f·瑞芭A1 Maarten van de Berge A1简妮特凯伯吉斯A1马提亚科普下A1,年2021 UL //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/58/6/2003969.abstract AB背景哮喘是一种异构综合征充实endotype-specific生物标志物的迫切要求。Dysbalance哮喘肺组织的纤维化和fibrolysis导致减少的水平inflammation-protective胶原蛋白4 (COL4A3)。目的描述退化COL4A3过敏性气道炎症和评估合成产品作为ige疗法反应的生物标记。方法血清学标记C4Ma3 COL4A3退化(丹麦北欧生物科学)和血清细胞因子测定联盟群(儿科病例/控制:n = 134 / n = 35;成人病例/控制:n = 149 / n = 31)。小鼠过敏性气道疾病的恶化是由感光卵白蛋白(OVA),挑战与卵子气溶胶和滴剂的聚(cytidylic-inosinic)。Fulacimstat (chymase抑制剂;拜耳)是用来确定肥大细胞的作用chymase COL4A3退化。囊性纤维化患者(n = 14)和囊性纤维化过敏性支气管肺的曲霉病(ABPA;n = 9)以及严重的过敏不受控制的哮喘患者(n = 19)检测COL4A3退化。 Omalizumab (anti-IgE) treatment was assessed using the Asthma Control Test.Results Serum levels of C4Ma3 were increased in asthma in adults and children alike and linked to a more severe, exacerbating allergic asthma phenotype. In an experimental asthma mouse model, C4Ma3 was dependent on mast cell chymase. Serum C4Ma3 was significantly elevated in cystic fibrosis plus ABPA and at baseline predicted the success of the anti-IgE therapy in allergic, uncontrolled asthmatics (diagnostic OR 31.5).Conclusion C4Ma3 levels depend on lung mast cell chymase and are increased in a severe, exacerbating allergic asthma phenotype. C4Ma3 may serve as a novel biomarker to predict anti-IgE therapy response.A novel, serological biomarker predicts the anti-IgE therapy response in asthmatics. The neo-epitope biomarker C4Ma3 measures the increase of lung collagen 4 degradation in severe exacerbating type 2 asthma and depends on mast cell chymase activity. https://bit.ly/3ejFp7i