作者@article {Wang2002819 ={王,凯,出身低微的马尔科姆·g·摩尔,迈克尔和干草,阿拉斯泰尔•d和吨沙龙和加拉,阿诗玛河和Grabey离小岛很近,詹娜和卡佛,特里西娅·佩雷拉,拉斐尔和Yu Ly-Mee Mollison,吉尔和小,保罗和农民,安德鲁和巴特勒,克里斯托弗·c·Harnden,安东尼},title ={早期使用抗生素与流感样疾病危险的孩子(奇):双盲随机安慰剂对照试验},体积= {58}= {4},elocation-id = {2002819} = {2021}, doi ={10.1183/13993003.02819 -2020},出版商={欧洲呼吸学会},文摘={介绍英国政府储备co-amoxiclav治疗流感大流行期间细菌并发症。188bet官网地址这种务实试验检查是否早期co-amoxiclav使用减少reconsultation由于临床恶化风险{\ textquotedblleft} {\ textquotedblright}孩子出现流感样疾病(伊犁)在初级或门诊。方法风险{\ textquotedblleft} {\ textquotedblright}从6个月到12岁儿童呈现伊犁发病后5天内被随机分配到口腔co-amoxiclav 400/57或安慰剂连续5天每天两次(剂量基于年龄{\ textpm}体重)。{\ textquotedblleft} {\ textquotedblright}组风险包括儿童呼吸系统、心脏和神经系统的条件。随机分层区域和非确定性最小化算法用于平衡年龄和当前的季节性流感疫苗接种的地位。我们的目标样本大小是650名儿童将会允许我们检测减少儿童的比例从40 reconsulting由于临床恶化\ % 26 \ %,90 \ %权力和5 \ %双尾α错误(包括津贴25 \ %追踪损失和通货膨胀系数1.041)。参与者,护理人员和调查人员对治疗分配也不清楚。意向处理分析与主要结果数据包括所有随机参与者reconsultation由于在28天内临床恶化。安全分析包括所有随机参与者。试验注册:ISRCTN 70714783。 EudraCT 2013-002822-21.Results We recruited 271 children between February 11, 2015 and April 20, 2018. Primary outcome data were available for 265 children. Only 61 out of 265 children (23.0\%) reconsulted due to clinical deterioration. No evidence of a treatment effect was observed for reconsultation due to clinical deterioration (33 out of 133 for co-amoxiclav (24.8\%) and 28 out of 132 (21.2\%) for placebo; adjusted risk ratio (RR) 1.16, 95\% confidence interval (CI) 0.75{\textendash}1.80). There was also no evidence of a difference between groups in the proportion of children for whom one or more adverse events (AEs) were reported (32 out of 136 (23.5\%) for co-amoxiclav and 22 out of 135 (16.3\%) for placebo; adjusted RR 1.45, 95\% CI 0.90{\textendash}2.34). In total, 66 AEs were reported (co-amoxiclav, n=37; placebo, n=29). Nine serious AEs were reported per group, although none were considered related to study medication.Conclusion Our trial did not find evidence that treatment with co-amoxiclav reduces risk of reconsultation due to clinical deterioration in {\textquotedblleft}at risk{\textquotedblright} children who present early with ILI during influenza season. Our findings therefore do not support early co-amoxiclav use in children with seasonal ILI.This trial did not find evidence that early co-amoxiclav use reduces reconsultation due to clinical deterioration in {\textquotedblleft}at risk{\textquotedblright} children who present with influenza-like illness during influenza season https://bit.ly/3stZwnn}, issn = {0903-1936}, URL = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/58/4/2002819}, eprint = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/58/4/2002819.full.pdf}, journal = {European Respiratory Journal} }