TY - T1的期望和呼吸困难,呼吸的神经生物学基础概念,影响摩根富林明-欧洲呼吸杂志》乔和J - 10.1183/13993003.03008 -2020欧元六世- 58 - 3 SP - 2003008 AU Vlemincx Elke AU -斯派格,基督教盟——Buchel基督教Y1 - 2021/09/01 UR - //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/58/3/2003008.abstract N2 -线索等气味不本身引起支气管收缩会触发哮喘急性加重。尽管其临床意义,这种呼吸的神经基础概念,效果未知。我们研究了这种效应在功能性磁共振成像(fMRI)的一项研究中涉及36健康志愿者。实验由一种体验阶段,志愿者经历呼吸困难而受到一种难闻的气体(“Histarinol”)。志愿者被告知Histarinol支气管收缩引起呼吸困难。这是与另一个有气味的气体,不会引起呼吸困难。引起的呼吸困难实际上是隐蔽的,电阻负载插入到呼吸系统。,期望阶段,Histarinol和控制气体都是紧随其后的是一个相同的,非常温和的负载。呼吸参数连续记录每次试验后强度和参与者认为呼吸困难。呼吸困难评分明显高于在Histarinol与控制条件相比,在经验和期望阶段,尽管在预期阶段相同的物理抗性。 Insula fMRI signal matched the actual load, i.e. a significant difference between Histarinol and control in the experience phase, but no difference in the expectation phase. The periaqueductal gray showed a significantly higher fMRI signal during the expectation of dyspnoea. Finally, Histarinol-related deactivations during the expectation phase in the rostral anterior cingulate cortex mirrored similar responses for nocebo effects in pain.These findings highlight the neural basis of expectation effects associated with dyspnoea, which has important consequences for our understanding of the perception of respiratory symptoms.A neural dyspnoea nocebo effect was found; expectations of dyspnoea increase the central neural processing of dyspnoea and respiratory effort as seen by activation of the periaqueductal gray and deactivation of the rostral anterior cingulate cortex http://bit.ly/3p2TsA6 ER -