RT期刊文章SR电子T1肺炎支原体运输躲避诱导保护性粘膜抗体摩根富林明欧洲呼吸杂志乔和J FD欧元欧洲呼吸学会SP 2100129 10.1183/13993003.00129 -2021 A1鲁本Cornelis Anthonie de Groot A1西尔维亚克里斯蒂娜右侧A1帕特里克·迈克尔·梅耶Sauteur A1 Adity188bet官网地址a必须A1 Theo Hoogenboezem A1 Emiel Benny Margriet Spuesens A1莉莉玛丽亚Verhagen A1安娜玛丽亚克丽丝汀van Rossum A1温迪Wilhelmina约瑟芬娜是个昂格尔年2021 UL //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/early/2021/08/12/13993003.00129 - 2021. -抽象AB肺炎支原体是最常见的细菌引起的肺炎住院儿童社区获得性肺炎。预防感染的疫苗可能是一个重要的战略新兴大环内酯物的存在耐药肺炎。但是,m .肺炎免疫反应的知识是有限的,复杂的疫苗的设计。因此,我们研究了抗体反应在m .肺炎感染和无症状的马车。在一个嵌套病例对照研究(n = 80)的m .肺炎运营商和匹配控制我们观察到马车m .肺炎不会导致粘膜或系统性上涨m . pneumoniae-specific抗体,即使经过几个月的持续的马车。我们复制这一发现组(n = 69),还发现,在m .肺炎社区获得性肺炎,粘膜m . pneumoniae-specific IgA和免疫球蛋白水平也显著增加。体外粘附化验显示,高水平的儿科患者的鼻腔分泌物中m . pneumoniae-specific抗体预防肺炎m .呼吸道上皮细胞的粘附。总之,我们的研究表明,m . pneumoniae-specific粘膜抗体抵御细菌粘附呼吸道上皮细胞并诱导只在m .肺炎感染,而不是在无症状的马车。这是明显不同于马车与肺炎链球菌等细菌粘膜抗体细菌引起的马车。FootnotesThis手稿最近发表在《欧洲呼吸杂志》上。这里发表周全之前接受的形式排版,我们的生产团队。 After these production processes are complete and the authors have approved the resulting proofs, the article will move to the latest issue of the ERJ online. Please open or download the PDF to view this article.Conflict of interest: Ruben CornelisConflict of interest: Dr. de Groot has nothing to disclose.Conflict of interest: Silvia CristinaConflict of interest: Dr. Estevão has nothing to disclose.Conflict of interest: Dr. Meyer Sauteur has nothing to disclose.Conflict of interest: Dr. Perkasa has nothing to disclose.Conflict of interest: Dr. Hoogenboezem has nothing to disclose.Conflict of interest: Dr. Spuesens has nothing to disclose.Conflict of interest: Dr. Verhagen has nothing to disclose.Conflict of interest: Dr. van Rossum has nothing to disclose.Conflict of interest: Dr. Unger has nothing to disclose.