@Article {Hartley2004042,作者= {Hartley,Tom and Lane,Nicholas D.以及Steer,John and Elliott,Mark W.和Sovani,Sovani,Milind P.和Milind P.和Curtis,Helen Jane和Fuller,Elizabeth R.和Murphy,Patrick B.,Patrick B.,Patrick B.以及Shrikrishna,Dinesh和Lewis,Keir E.以及Ward,Neil R.和Turnbull,Chris D.和Hart,Nicholas和Bourke,Stephen C.},Title = {{无创通气结果(NIVO)得分:In-In-In-预测COPD的医院死亡率需要辅助通风},音量= {58},number = {2},Elocation-id = {2004042},eNAR = {2021},doi = {10.1183/139993003.04042-2020},188bet官网地址欧洲呼吸社会},摘要= {引言COPD(AECOPD)的急性加重因急性(酸性)高胶囊呼吸衰竭(AHRF)需要通气是常见的。适当应用时,通风大大降低了死亡率。尽管如此,仍有证据表明实践和预后悲观不良。临床预测工具可以改善有关通风的决策,但没有常规使用。在两家提供不同人群的医院中,可以鉴定出接受AECOPD和AHRF接受AECOPD和AHRF的连续患者。先验鉴定出已知和潜在的预后指数。使用多变量回归分析得出了院内死亡的预测工具。前瞻性外部验证是在一项时间分开的,地理上不同的10美分研究中进行的。遵守三脚架的试验方法(对个体预后或诊断的多变量预测模型的透明报告)建议。分子派生队列:n = 489,院内死亡率25.4 \%\%\%; validation cohort: n=733, in-hospital mortality 20.1\%. Using six simple categorised variables (extended Medical Research Council Dyspnoea score 1{\textendash}4/5a/5b, time from admission to acidaemia \>12 h, pH \<7.25, presence of atrial fibrillation, Glasgow coma scale <=14 and chest radiograph consolidation), a simple scoring system with strong prediction of in-hospital mortality is achieved. The resultant Noninvasive Ventilation Outcomes (NIVO) score had area under the receiver operating curve of 0.79 and offers good calibration and discrimination across stratified risk groups in its validation cohort.Discussion The NIVO score outperformed pre-specified comparator scores. It is validated in a generalisable cohort and works despite the heterogeneity inherent to both this patient group and this intervention. Potential applications include informing discussions with patients and their families, aiding treatment escalation decisions, challenging pessimism and comparing risk-adjusted outcomes across centres.The NIVO score was created to predict in-hospital mortality in exacerbations of COPD requiring assisted ventilation. Prospective validation under real-world conditions in 10 UK hospitals shows it easily outperforms existing alternative scores. https://bit.ly/3oKMZdI}, issn = {0903-1936}, URL = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/58/2/2004042}, eprint = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/58/2/2004042.full.pdf}, journal = {European Respiratory Journal} }