TY - T1的Cochrane综述电子香烟的戒烟——剩下的关注证据JF -欧洲呼吸杂志》乔和J - 10.1183/13993003.02117 -2021欧元SP - 2102117 AU Notley凯特琳AU -巴特勒,艾尔莎盟——Lindson尼古拉AU -布伦,克里斯•AU - Theodoulou安妮卡非盟- Begh,Rachna AU - McRobbie, Hayden AU - Hajek, Peter AU - Rigotti, Nancy AU - Hartman-Boyce,杰米Y1 - 2021/01/01 UR - //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/early/2021/07/29/13993003.02117 - 2021. -抽象N2 -我们感激有机会回复评论我们的科克伦评论的电子香烟(EC)戒烟Pisinger和Vestbo带来的[1][2]在随后的评论McAlinden et al .[3]。脚注本手稿最近已被接受发表在欧洲呼吸杂志。在我们的制作团队进行编辑和排版之前,它以接受的形式在这里发表。在这些生产过程完成后,作者已经批准了结果的证明,文章将移动到最新一期的ERJ在线。请打开或下载PDF以查看本文。利益冲突:凯特琳·诺特利没有什么可透露的。利益冲突:艾尔萨·巴特勒报告了英国癌症研究中心(CRUK)为资助她参与电子烟戒烟活系统研究而向机构支付的款项。利益冲突:Nicola Lindson报告说,她的薪水是由牛津大学通过英国国家健康研究所(NIHR)的拨款支付的;她参与了一项由CRUK资助的“电子烟戒烟”活体系统Cochrane综述(目前);获得一项计划拨款,以开展一项系统审查和网络元分析,以调查药物治疗和电子烟用于戒烟的安全性和有效性(目前); co-applicant on a grant to investigate youth uptake of electronic cigarettes funded by CRUK (current); co-applicant on an Infrastructure grant which funds the Cochrane Tobacco Addiction Group funded by NIHR (current); co-applicant on a grant to investigate the comparative effectiveness of behavioural smoking cessation treatments funded by NIHR (ended Jan 2021); and receives payment for teaching Cochrane Authors how to write Cochrane protocols on behalf of Cochrane UK (not for profit organisation) (current) funded by Oxford Universities NHS Foundation Trust.Conflict of Interest: Chris Bullen reports research grants paid to institution (University of Auckland) from Health Research Council of NZ; contract for smoking cessation guideline review, paid to institution from NZ Ministry of Health; Contract for smokefree plan, paid to institution from Auckland Council; contract for research, paid to institution from Pfizer; research grant paid to institution from Tencent; personal fees for consulting on new NRT product from Johnson & Johnson KK (Japan); lecture fees for Lecture at Ottawa Heart Institute Annual conference, and honoraria for Manuscript writing Simon Fraser University; is President of SRNT-Oceania (unpaid); and Tobacco expert advisory group member, Health Coalition Aotearoa (unpaid).Conflict of Interest: Annika Theodoulou has nothing to disclose.Conflict of Interest: Rachna Begh has nothing to disclose.Conflict of Interest: Hayden McRobbie reports grant payments made to institution from Health Research Council (NZ), NIHR (UK) and NHMRC (AUS), outside the submitted work; and received honoraria from Pfizer for speaking at smoking cessation educational events and an advisory board meeting in Oct 2018.Conflict of Interest: Peter Hajek reports honoraria from Pfizer for contributing to Pfizer Workshop at SRNT Conference.Conflict of Interest: Nancy Rigotti reports contract for clinical trial paid to institution from Achieve Life Sciences; personal royalties for review of e-cigarettes from UpToDate; personal consulting fee from Achieve Life Sciences.Conflict of Interest: Jamie Hartmann-Boyce reports grant funding, including to support the review which this letter refers to paid to institution from Cancer Research UK; grant funding unrelated to this work paid to institution from British Heart Foundation; grant funding, including to support the review which this letter refers to, paid to institution from NIHR. ER -