@article {le pavec2003358,作者= {le pavec,j {\'e}Borgne,Aur {\'e}撒谎,雷诺·古伯特(Reynaud-Gaubert),马丁(Martine)和诺普(Knoop),克里斯蒂安(Christiane)和戈迪纳斯(Godinas),劳伦特(Laurent)和赫尔西(Hirschi),桑德琳(Sandrine)和邦纳尔(Bunel),文森特(Bunel)和拉波塔(Laporta),罗莎莉亚(Rosalia)和哈拉里(Rosalia),塞尔吉奥(Sergio),塞尔吉奥(Sergio),布兰奇(Elodie),埃洛迪(Elodie),埃洛迪斯(Elodie),杰西珀·M·M·杰斯珀(Elodie and Jesper M. M. M. Jesper M. M.)Tissot, Adrien and Mornex, Jean-Fran{\c c}ois and Picard, Cl{\'e}ment and Savale, Laurent and Bernaudin, Jean-Fran{\c c}ois and Brillet, Pierre-Yves and Nunes, Hilario andHumbert,Marc和Fadel,Elie和Gottlieb,Jens},title = {结节病的肺移植:结果和预后因素},音量= {58},数字= {2},Elocation-id = {2003358}2021},doi = {10.1183/13993003.03358-2020},出版商= {欧洲呼吸社会},摘188bet官网地址要= {研究问题,在肉癌病患者,过去和持续的免疫抑制方案中,经过移植和外推和外推和外推和外推疾病的疾病Ulmonary参与可能会影响肺移植的结果。我们询问结节病肺表型是否可以分化,如果是的话,它们与通过肺移植治疗的肺结节病患者的结局如何相关。患者和方法我们回顾了112例来自国际诊断标准的患者的数据,这些患者来自国际诊断标准和肺部或肺部的肺病或肺部诊断标准。心脏{\ textendash} 2006年至2019年在16个欧洲中心之间进行肺移植。抗分患者的生存是主要的结局措施。在移植时,中值(四分位数(IQR))年龄为52(46 {\ textendash} 59)年;71(64 \%)是男性。肺表型被个性化,如下:1)仅扩展纤维化; 2) airflow obstruction; 3) severe pulmonary hypertension (sPH) and airflow obstruction; 4) sPH, airflow obstruction and fibrosis; 5) sPH and fibrosis; 6) airflow obstruction and fibrosis; 7) sPH; and 8) none of these criteria, in 17\%, 16\%, 17\%, 14\%, 11\%, 9\%, 5\% and 11\% of patients, respectively. Post-transplant survival rates after 1, 3, and 5 years were 86\%, 76\% and 69\%, respectively. During follow-up (median (IQR) 46 (16{\textendash}89) months), 31\% of patients developed chronic lung allograft dysfunction. Age and extended lung fibrosis were associated with increased mortality. Pulmonary fibrosis predominating peripherally was associated with short-term complications.Answer to the study question Post-transplant survival in patients with pulmonary sarcoidosis was similar to that in patients with other indications for lung transplantation. The main factors associated with worse survival were older age and extensive pre-operative lung fibrosis.Post-transplant survival in patients with pulmonary sarcoidosis was similar to that in patients with other indications for lung transplantation. The main factors associated with worse survival were older age and extensive pre-operative lung fibrosis. https://bit.ly/2XBfJd6}, issn = {0903-1936}, URL = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/58/2/2003358}, eprint = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/58/2/2003358.full.pdf}, journal = {European Respiratory Journal} }