Ty-Jour t1 - 微生物组的功能下气道基因组分析捕获活性微生物新陈代谢JF - 欧洲呼吸杂志Jo - Eur Respir J Do - 10.1183 / 13993003.03434-2020 VL - 58是 - 1 SP - 2003434 Au - Sulaiman,Imran Au- 吴,本杰明G. Au - Li,Yonghua Au - Tsay,Jun-Chieh Au - Sauthoff,Maya Au - Scott,Adrienne S. Au - Ji,Kun Au - Koralov,Sergei B. Au - Weiden,Michael Au - Clemente,Jose C. Au - Jones,Drew Au - Huang,Yvonne J. Au - Stringleen A. Au - Zhang,Lingdi Au - Geer,Adam Au - Banakis,Stephanie Au - Tipton,Laura Au - Ghedin,Elodie Au -Segal,Leopoldo N. Y1 - 2021/07/01 UR - //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/58/1/2003434.abstract/58/1/2003434.Abstract n2 - 基于细菌16s rRNA基因测序评估评估的下呼吸道的背景微生物组微生物群落结构,但只能推断功能特征。微生物产品,如短链脂肪酸(SCFA),在较低气道中对宿主的免疫基调产生显着影响。因此,需要对微生物组分析的功能方法是必要的。这里我们使用来自研究支气管镜吸烟队的上下气道样本。此外,我们在实验鼠标模型中验证了我们的结果。我们通过使用全基因组霰弹枪(WGS)和RNA MetaTransommine测序,将微生物异组群扩展超过16s rRNA基因测序。SCFA也被测量在较低气道样本中并与每个测序数据集相关。 In the mouse model, 16S rRNA gene and RNA metatranscriptome sequencing were performed.Results Functional evaluations of the lower airway microbiota using inferred metagenome, WGS and metatranscriptome data were dissimilar. Comparison with measured levels of SCFAs shows that the inferred metagenome from the 16S rRNA gene sequencing data was poorly correlated, while better correlations were noted when SCFA levels were compared with WGS and metatranscriptome data. Modelling lower airway aspiration with oral commensals in a mouse model showed that the metatranscriptome most efficiently captures transient active microbial metabolism, which was overestimated by 16S rRNA gene sequencing.Conclusions Functional characterisation of the lower airway microbiota through metatranscriptome data identifies metabolically active organisms capable of producing metabolites with immunomodulatory capacity, such as SCFAs.This study shows that both whole-genome shotgun and RNA metatranscriptome sequencing can be done on lower airway samples and can provide valuable information on bacterial function https://bit.ly/3hNmZfi ER -