@article {Schenk2001798, author = {Schenk, Peter and Spiel, Alexander O. and H{\"u}ttinger, Felix and Gmeiner, Micheline and Fugger, Josefine and Pichler, Martina and Pichler, Gernot and Schmeikal, Susanne and Janistyn,Wolfgang和Sch {\“ U} Gerl,Stefan和Sajdik,Constantin和Herkner,Harald},title = {Simvastatin可以减少COPD加剧吗?一项随机双盲对照研究},音量= {58},number = {1},Elocation-id = {2001798},eNem = {2021},doi = {10.1183/13993003.01798-2020}社会},摘要= {背景几项研究表明,他汀类药物在COPD中对肺功能下降,加重,住院和机械通气需求的速度和严重程度有益。辛伐他汀以40毫克对安慰剂的每日剂量对全球慢性阻塞性肺部疾病标准标准2 {\ textendendash} 4在奥地利的三级护理肺科部门的患者进行试验。预定的治疗持续时间为12个月,主要结果参数是首次加重的时候。总体上,有209名患者被招募。在服用辛伐他汀的105例患者中,与104例安慰剂患者相比,首次加重的时间明显更长:中位数341与140天(对数秩检验P \ <0.001)。辛伐他汀组首次加重风险的危险比为0.51(95 \%CI 0.34 {\ textendash} 0.75; p = 0.001)。辛伐他汀的加重率显着降低:103(41 \%)与147(59 \%)(p = 0.003)。在辛伐他汀组中,年度加重率为每名患者年度1.45个事件,安慰剂组的每年患者年为1.9个事件(发病率比0.77,95 \%CI 0.60 0.60 {\ textendendash} 0.99)。 We found no effect on quality of life, lung function, 6-min walk test and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein. More patients dropped out in the simvastatin group compared to the placebo group (39 versus 29).Conclusion In our single-centre RCT, simvastatin at a dose of 40 mg daily significantly prolonged time to first COPD exacerbation and reduced exacerbation rate.Acute exacerbations of COPD cause a lot of suffering and healthcare burden. In this study, p.o. simvastatin 40 mg{\textperiodcentered}day-1 reduced time to first exacerbation and exacerbation frequency in a double-blind, randomised controlled trial. https://bit.ly/3nHINet}, issn = {0903-1936}, URL = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/58/1/2001798}, eprint = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/58/1/2001798.full.pdf}, journal = {European Respiratory Journal} }