@article {Qin2003677作者={魏秦史陈和张选手董沼泽和朱主任李和朱Bingzhu胡锦涛和紫阳Fajiu Xiaojiang小王和伊敏王开元甄王静和YuLei Wan和李张洪波互联网统计{\ " \我}l Elalamy陈和李Chenghong Zhenguo翟田田和王},title ={扩散能力异常患者一氧化碳COVID-19 3个月随访},体积= {58}= {1},elocation-id = {2003677} = {2021}, doi ={10.1183/13993003.03677 -2020},出版商={欧洲呼吸学会},文摘={客观评估肺功能和2019年冠状病毒病临床症状(COVID-19)幸存者出院后3个月内,和识别风险因素与肺功能受损有关。188bet官网地址方法和材料COVID-19患者前瞻性随访的肺功能测试和临床特点3个月在武汉一家医院出院后,中国在2020年1月和2月之间。结果647例患者包括在内。87(13 \ %)患者伴有虚弱,63(10 \ %)心悸和56(9 \ %)和呼吸困难。的流行三种症状严重的患者明显高于长程患者(19 \ %和10 \ %的弱点,p = 0.003;14 \ %和7 \ %的心悸,p = 0.007;12 \ %和7 \ %为呼吸困难,p = 0.014)。多元回归结果显示增加的可能性持续症状严重的患者(1.1或1.7,95 \ % CI {\ textendash} 2.6;p = 0.026)或患者住院时间较长的(1.00或1.03,95 \ % CI {\ textendash} 1.05;p = 0.041)。肺功能测试结果可用于81名患者,包括41者和40严重的病人。在这个群,44(54 \ %)患者表现出异常的肺一氧化碳扩散能力(DLCO)(68 \ %严重和42 \ %长程患者,p = 0.019)。 Chest computed tomography (CT) total severity score \>10.5 (OR 10.4, 95\% CI 2.5{\textendash}44.1; p=0.001) on admission and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) (OR 4.6, 95\% CI 1.4{\textendash}15.5; p=0.014) were significantly associated with impaired DLCO. Pulmonary interstitial damage may be associated with abnormal DLCO.Conclusion Pulmonary function, particularly DLCO, declined in COVID-19 survivors. This decrease was associated with total severity score of chest CT \>10.5 and ARDS occurrence. Pulmonary interstitial damage might contribute to the imparied DLCO.COVID-19 patients present with impaired DLCO at 90 days after discharge, particularly severe patients. Chest CT TSS \>10.5 and ARDS occurrence are associated with impaired DLCO. Pulmonary interstitial damage may contribute to the impaired DLCO. https://bit.ly/2JevUtm}, issn = {0903-1936}, URL = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/58/1/2003677}, eprint = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/58/1/2003677.full.pdf}, journal = {European Respiratory Journal} }