TY - Jour T1 - 筛选无症状的 BMPR2 突变载体:肺动脉高压医生的新前沿?JF - 欧洲呼吸杂志Jo - Eur Respir J Do - 10.1183 / 13993003.00286-2021 VL - 58是 - 1 SP - 2100286 Au - Morrell,Nicholas W. Y1 - 2021/07/01 UR - http://erj.ersjournals。COM / CONTED / 58/1 / 2100286.Abstract N2 - 它已经在肺动脉高血压(PAH)中编码骨形态发生蛋白类型2受体(BMPR2)的基因中的杂合种种系突变以来超过20年。1,2]。从那时起,已经了解到了很多关于BMPR2的突变原因PAH的突变,虽然许多问题仍未得到答复。机械地,血管细胞中BMPR2信号传导的BMPR2信号传导极大地增加了在PAH [3]患者肺部肺中看到的血管病理学的可能性。尽管BMPR2突变的无症状载体在显着增加的发育PAH的风险(比非载体的风险增加至少10 000倍),但BMPR2突变的特征之一是它们表现出降低的渗透[4]。换句话说,BMPR2突变的载体不可避免地发展PAH。这是非常感兴趣的,因为它意味着需要在疾病发展所必需的BMPR2突变的背景下进行额外的“触发”因素。迄今鉴定的潜在触发因子来自患者衍生细胞的体外研究,并在遗传修饰的小鼠[5,6]中。炎症诱导的损伤似乎刺激了BMPR2缺陷小鼠的更大程度的肺血管重塑,而不是野生型凋落物,BMPR2缺陷小鼠对损伤具有夸张的炎症反应[7]。 This amplification of certain inflammatory pathways may initiate and propagate the vascular changes. In addition, the presence of a BMPR2 mutation in pulmonary vascular endothelial cells increases susceptibility to apoptosis and increases vascular permeability in response to injury [8–10]. These extrinsic factors act to further suppress BMPR2 signalling, or exacerbate a dysfunctional endothelium already primed by the presence of mutation.Pulmonary hypertension physicians must embrace this new and exciting aspect of clinical care of PAH patients for the benefit of our present and future patients https://bit.ly/3pf7GhG ER -