@article {Walker2003375作者={沃克,史蒂文·p·基南,艾玛和Bintcliffe,奥利弗·斯坦顿,安德鲁·e·罗伯茨,马克和Pepperell,贾斯汀和费尔贝恩,伊恩和部,爱德华·戈德林,詹姆斯和Maddekar,纳迪姆·沃尔特斯,詹姆斯和西方,亚历克斯和履新,Amrithraj和骑士,马修和Mercer,瑞秋和Hallifax,Rob and White, Paul and Miller, Robert F. and Rahman, Najib M. and Maskell, Nick A.}, title ={继发性自发性气胸的门诊管理:一项随机对照试验,volume = {57}, number ={6},位置-id = {2003375}, year = {2021}, doi = {10.1183/13993003.03375-2020}, publisher = {European Respiratory Society}, a188bet官网地址bstract = {我们研究了单向颤振阀的使用是否缩短了患者的住院时间。该开放标签随机对照试验招募了SSP患者,随机进行胸管和水下密封(标准护理:SC)或颤振瓣膜门诊护理(AC)。使用颤振阀的类型取决于是否在随机情况下患者已经有胸管:在没有胸管的患者中使用胸膜排气(PV);在原位胸管组中,附加一个心房充气器(AP)瓣膜。主要终点为LoS。在2017年3月至2020年3月期间,41例患者接受了随机分组:20例SC, 21例AC (13=PV, 8=AP)。在治疗干预后的前30天,LoS无差异:AC(中位数=6天,IQR 14.5)和SC(中位数=6天,IQR 13.3)。 In patients treated with PV there was a high rate of early treatment failure (6/13; 46\%), compared to patients receiving SC (3/20; 15\%) (p=0.11) Patients treated with AP had no (0/8 0\%) early treatment failures and a median LoS of 1.5 days (IQR 23.8).There was no difference in LoS between ambulatory and standard care. Pleural Vents had high rates of treatment failure and should not be used in SSP. Atrium Pneumostats are a safer alternative, with a trend towards lower LoS.Ambulatory management with a flutter valve does not shorten overall length of stay in patients with secondary spontaneous pneumothoraces compared to standard management. This was due to increased risk of treatment failure with ambulatory management. https://bit.ly/2JEd3YC}, issn = {0903-1936}, URL = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/57/6/2003375}, eprint = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/57/6/2003375.full.pdf}, journal = {European Respiratory Journal} }