RT Journal第SR电子T1世界卫生组织关于治疗耐药结核病的建议,2020年更新JF欧洲呼吸杂志Jo EUR Respir J FD欧洲呼吸学会SP 2003300 Do 10.1183 / 13993003.03300-2020 VO 57是6 A1 Mirzayev,Fuad A1188bet官网地址Viney,Kerri A1 Linh,Nguyen Nhat A1 Gonzalez-angulo,LicéA1Gegia,Medea A1 Jaramillo,Ernesto A1 Zignol,Matteo A1 Kasaeva,Tereza YR 2021 UL //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/57/6/2003300.Abstract AB抗菌抗性是全球主要的公共卫生问题。同样,对第一和二线TB药物抗性的结核病(TB)的形式为患者,医疗工作者和医疗保健服务提供了主要挑战。2019年11月,世界卫生组织(世卫组织)召开了一个独立的国际专家小组,以审查使用建议评估,开发和评估方法的评级进行多药(MDR)和利福平抗性(RR)TB的新证据。在2020年6月出版的审查中出版的这一审查指导方针建议了对MDR / RR-TB不抵抗氟喹诺酮(9-11个月)的患者的较短治疗方案,其中包含BEDAQUIRINE而不是可注射剂,制作方案所有口头。对于患有MDR-TB的患者和额外的氟代喹啉耐药性,可以在操作研究条件下(6-9个月)在床奎石,伪造和线唑构成的方案。取决于耐药性曲线,TB疾病或疾病严重程度的程度,可以使用更长(18-20个月)的全口服,个体化治疗方案。In addition, the review of new data in 2019 allowed the WHO to conclude that there are no major safety concerns on the use of bedaquiline for >6 months’ duration, the use of delamanid and bedaquiline together and the use of bedaquiline during pregnancy, although formal recommendations were not made on these topics.The 2020 revision has highlighted the ongoing need for high-quality evidence and has reiterated the need for clinical trials and other research studies to contribute to the development of evidence-based policy.New WHO guidelines on the treatment of drug-resistant tuberculosis (TB) contain the latest recommendations on shorter or longer all oral treatment regimens for patients with drug-resistant TB, including the medicines to be used and other supportive measures https://bit.ly/2UJeib7