@article {Moore2003103, author = {Moore, Alison and Preece, Andrew and Sharma, Raj and Heaney, Liam G. and Costello, Richard W. and Wise, Robert A. and Ludwig-Sengpiel, Andrea and Mosnaim, Giselle and Rees,Jamie和Tomlinson,Ryan和Tal-Singer,Ruth和Stempel,David A.和Barnes,Neil},Title = {{一项连接吸入器系统对不受控制的哮喘患者药物依从性的影响的随机对照试验},体积= {57},number = {6},Elocation-id = {2003103},年= {2021},doi = {10.1183/13993003.03103-2020}188bet官网地址哮喘控制和恶化。这项研究评估了连接吸入器系统(CIS)的不同元素,包括夹子吸入器传感器,面向患者的应用程序和医疗保健专业人员(HCP)仪表板的影响,对遵守哮喘维持疗法的遵守。在固定剂量吸入的皮质类固醇/长效β-启动治疗疗法上,标签,平行组,6个月,随机对照试验(哮喘控制测试(ACT)得分小于20)的成年人(哮喘控制测试(ACT)得分小于20)。所有受试者均收到氟替卡松/vilanterol Ellipta干加油的吸入剂,用于维护和沙尔巴胺/白斑剂量剂量吸入器,用于救援,每个吸入器都附有一个传感器。参与者被随机分为五个CIS研究组之一(分配比率1:1:1:1:)反映传感器的数据反馈的接受者,如下所示:1)对参与者和HCP的维护使用(n = 87);2)对参与者的维护使用(n = 88);3)对参与者和HCP的维护和救援使用(n = 88);4)对参与者的维护和救援使用(n = 88);和5)无反馈(对照)(n = 86)。对于主要终点,观察到的平均值{\ textpm} SD在几个月内遵守维护疗法4 {\ textendendash} 6为82.2 {\ textpm} 16.58 \%(n = n = n = n = n = n =83)在{\ texquotedblleft}对参与者的维护和HCPS {\ texquotedblright}臂和70.8 {\ textpm} 27.30 \%(n = 85)中,在控制臂中。 The adjusted least squares mean{\textpm}se was 80.9{\textpm}3.19\% and 69.0{\textpm}3.19\%, respectively (study arm difference: 12.0\%, 95\% CI 5.2{\textendash}18.8\%; p\<0.001). Adherence was also significantly greater in the other CIS arms versus the control arm. The mean percentage of rescue medication free days (months 4{\textendash}6) was significantly greater in participants receiving data on their rescue use compared with controls. ACT scores improved in all study arms with no significant differences between groups.A CIS can improve adherence to maintenance medication and reduce rescue medication use in patients with uncontrolled asthma.In individuals with uncontrolled asthma, data feedback on maintenance therapy use from a connected inhaler system led to increased maintenance adherence and feedback on rescue medication usage led to more rescue-free days but did not improve asthma control https://bit.ly/39kmVBA}, issn = {0903-1936}, URL = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/57/6/2003103}, eprint = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/57/6/2003103.full.pdf}, journal = {European Respiratory Journal} }