Ty -Jour T1-学龄前儿童和疾病缓解的哮喘控制轨迹之间的关联JF-欧洲呼吸杂志Lucie au -Brownell,Marni au -Quail,Jacqueline M. Au -Sadatsafavi,Mohsen au-忘记,AmélieAu -turcot,Marc -AndréAu -Nie -nie,Yao -yao -li -li -li,Wenbin au -wenbin au -tavakoli,Qier -tan,hamid au -tan,hamid au -tan,hamid au -tan,hamid au -tan,hamid au -tanau -fan,Yuxin au -platt,Robert W. au -Ducharme,Francine M. Y1-2021/05/01 UR -http://www.qdcxjkg.com/content.com/content/57/57/5/5/5/5/2001897.Abstract N2-简介N2-介绍早期疾病的发病率与喘息的学龄前儿童有关。但是,诊断后不久是否会影响缓解后不久,哮喘控制轨迹是否尚不清楚。我们检查了学龄前儿童后2年诊断哮喘控制轨迹与随后的疾病缓解之间的关联。方法我们进行了一项基于多中心的基于人群的回顾性队列研究,由48个687名在1990年至2013年之间诊断出的哮喘儿童组成,并在1990年至2013年之间诊断出。诊断后延长疾病活动的四个加拿大省份。长时间的疾病活性定义为在诊断后至少四个时期中至少四个诊断中的四个月,每6个月的哮喘进行一次或多次医疗就诊或药物。随访开始于诊断后3年(在队列入口)。缓解被定义为连续2年,没有药物索赔或队列进入后哮喘或类似哮喘状况的医疗就诊。 Asthma control trajectories, ascertained over four 6-month periods following diagnosis using a validated index, were classified as: “controlled throughout”, “improving control”, “worsening control”, “out of control throughout” and “fluctuating control”. Adjusted Cox models estimated associations between asthma control trajectories and time to remission. A random effects meta-analysis summarised province-specific hazard ratios (HRs).Results The pooled remission rate was 8.91 (95% CI 8.80–9.02) per 100 person-years. Compared with children controlled throughout, poorer asthma control was associated with incrementally lower hazard ratios of remission in four other trajectories: improving control (HR 0.89, 95% CI 0.82–0.96), fluctuating control (HR 0.78, 95% CI 0.71–0.85), worsening control (HR 0.68, 95% CI 0.62–0.75) and out of control throughout (HR 0.52, 95% CI 0.45–0.59).Conclusions Asthma control trajectories 2 years following a diagnosis in preschoolers were associated with remission, highlighting the clinical relevance of documenting control trajectories in early life.In this multicentre population-based cohort study, the worse the asthma control trajectory shortly following diagnosis in preschoolers, the lower the likelihood of remission https://bit.ly/3lHVsNf ER -