TY - JOUR T1 - 2015-2018年瑞典斯德哥尔摩寻求庇护者潜在结核病筛查和治疗策略评估:记录链接研究护理级联JF -欧洲呼吸杂志》乔和J - 10.1183/13993003.02255 -2020欧元六世- 57 - 3 SP - 2002255 AU - Nederby Ohd,乔安娜盟——Hergens Maria-Pia盟——Luksha Yauheni AU -巴克斯鲍姆,夏洛特盟——Shedrawy Jad AU -琼森,肌肉抽搐AU - Bruchfeld,朱迪思盟——Lonnroth瑞典约90%的活动性肺结核(TB)病例是在国外出生的,主要是由于潜伏性结核病感染(LTBI)的重新激活。本研究的目的是评估当前移民LTBI筛查方案的检测结果和护理级联的完成情况。通过从瑞典移民局提取的数据和医疗记录的记录链接,建立了斯德哥尔摩地区2015-2018年参加健康检查的所有14173人的回顾性队列。通过对整个队列的自动化数据提取,确定了筛查结果、转诊到专科护理和开始治疗的情况。通过手动提取2016-2017年期间所有转入专科护理的人的子样本数据,分析了包括治疗完成在内的详细级联步骤。在5470例经干扰素- γ释放试验(IGRA)筛选的患者中,1364例(25%)为阳性,其中358例(26%)开始LTBI治疗。在原产国,随着年龄和结核病发病率的增加,igra阳性的趋势有所增加。在IGRA阳性患者中,604例(44%)被转介到专科治疗。较低的年龄是主要的转诊预测因素。 In the subsample of 443 patients referred to specialist care in 2016–2017, 386 (87%) were invited, of whom 366 (95%) attended. Of 251 patients (69%) recommended for LTBI treatment, 244 (97%) started such treatment and of those 221 (91%) completed it.Conclusion The low attrition in patient-dependent cascade steps shows that the voluntary approach works well. Low LTBI treatment attainment is due to the current conservative local treatment policy, which means the vast majority are IGRA-tested without an intention to treat for LTBI.The Stockholm Region voluntary latent tuberculosis migrant screening programme shows high participant compliance. However, of 1364 IGRA positive subjects (n=5470) only 358 initiated treatment, primarily due to current conservative local treatment policies https://bit.ly/3aAFoIE ER -