@article {tiew2002050,作者= {l and Chua, Branden Qi Yu and Tan, Jiunn Liang and Xu, Huiying and Koh, Mariko Siyue and Tee, Augustine and Abisheganaden, John Arputhan and Chew, Fook Tim and Miller, Bruce E. and Tal-Singer, Ruth and Chalmers,James D.和Chotirmall,Sanjay H.},title = {高风险气道mycobiome与copd}中的频繁加重和死亡率有关,音量= {57},数字= {3},Elocation-id = {20020505050},年= {2021},doi = {10.1183/13993003.02050-2020},出版商= {欧洲呼吸社会},摘要= {简188bet官网地址介慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)菌群菌群具有疾病严重性,恶化和死亡率。虽然COPD患者容易受到真菌的敏感性,但真菌真菌组合的作用仍然尚不确定。我们报告了迄今为止对COPD Airway Mycobiome的最大多中心评估,包括来自亚洲(新加坡和马来西亚)和英国(苏格兰)的参与者,当时稳定时(n = 337)和加重期间(n = 66)以及非疾病(健康)对照(n = 47)。在COPD恶化(n = 34)期间和之后进行了纵向真菌组分析,并根据加重频率,2年死亡率和血清特异性IgE(SIGE)的发生进行检查。与对照相比,α多样性增加(香农指数; p \ <0.001)所证明。明显的气道真菌组差异,包括更大的INTERACTION(通过共发生),表征了非常频繁的COPD加剧者(每年三个或更多加重)(置换性多变量ANOVA;调整后的P \ <0.001)。在加重和用抗生素和皮质类固醇治疗后进行纵向分析并未揭示气道真菌组概况的显着变化。 Unsupervised clustering resulted in two clinically distinct COPD groups: one with increased symptoms (COPD Assessment Test score) and Saccharomyces dominance, and another with very frequent exacerbations and higher mortality characterised by Aspergillus, Curvularia and Penicillium with a concomitant increase in serum sIgE levels against the same fungi. During acute exacerbations of COPD, lower fungal diversity associates with higher 2-year mortality.Conclusion The airway mycobiome in COPD is characterised by specific fungal genera associated with exacerbations and increased mortality.The airway mycobiome in COPD is important, and associates with exacerbations, survival and systemic immune responses https://bit.ly/32WA5kJ}, issn = {0903-1936}, URL = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/57/3/2002050}, eprint = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/57/3/2002050.full.pdf}, journal = {European Respiratory Journal} }