PT -期刊文章AU -奥尼尔,Ciaran AU -吉布森,彼得•g . AU -希尼利亚姆•g . AU - Upham John w . AU -杨,伊恩·a . AU -雷诺兹,保罗•n . AU -霍奇桑德拉AU -詹金斯,克里斯汀·r . AU -彼得斯,马修盟——标志着家伙b . AU -詹姆斯,艾伦•l . AU -辛普森朱迪·l·TI -阿奇霉素的成本效益减少控制哮喘发作的援助- 10.1183/13993003.02436 -2020 DP - 2021年2月01 TA -欧洲呼吸杂志》第六PG - 2002436 - 57 IP - 2 4099 - // 4100 - //所以欧元2月1日;57 AB -阿奇霉素(AZM)可显著减少成人持续不可控哮喘的加重。本研究的目的是评估附加AZM在医疗保健和社会成本方面的成本效益。AMAZES试验随机分配420名参与者服用AZM或安慰剂。在治疗期间测量了医疗保健使用和哮喘加重情况。医疗保健使用包括所有处方药和医疗保健联系人。抗菌素耐药性的费用是根据总消耗量和已公布的费用估计数估计的。可避免的恶化值是基于已发表的参考文献。两组之间成本的差异与一系列净货币收益估算中恶化程度的差异有关。 Societal costs included lost productivity, over the counter medicines, steroid induced morbidity and AMR costs.Add-on AZM resulted in a reduction in healthcare costs (mean (95% CI)) including nights in hospital (AUD 433.70 (AUD 48.59–818.81) or EUR 260.22 (EUR 29.15–491.29)), unplanned healthcare visits (AUD 20.25 (AUD 5.23–35.27) or EUR 12.15 (EUR 3.14–21.16)), antibiotic costs (AUD 14.88 (AUD 7.55–22.21) or EUR 8.93 (EUR 4.53–13.33)) and oral corticosteroid costs (AUD 4.73 (AUD 0.82–8.64) or EUR 2.84 (EUR 0.49–5.18)); all p<0.05. Overall healthcare and societal costs were lower (AUD 77.30 (EUR 46.38) and AUD 256.22 (EUR 153.73) respectively) albeit not statistically significant. The net monetary benefit of add-on AZM was estimated to be AUD 2072.30 (95% CI AUD 1348.55–2805.23) or (EUR 1243.38 (EUR 809.13–1683.14) assuming a willingness to pay per exacerbation avoided of AUD 2651 (EUR 1590.60). Irrespective of the sensitivity analysis applied, the net monetary benefit for total, moderate and severe exacerbations remained positive and significant.Add-on AZM therapy in poorly controlled asthma was a cost-effective therapy. Costs associated with AMR did not influence estimated cost-effectiveness.Add-on AZM in the treatment of poorly controlled persistent asthma is cost-effective. It is associated with a positive net monetary benefit when costs including those associated with antimicrobial resistance are considered.