@ARTICLE {MCQUAID2002504,作者= {MCQUAID,C.FINN和COHEN,TED和Dean,Anna S.和Houben,Reinm.g.j.和骑士,Gwenan M.和Zignol,Matteo和White,Richard G.},Title = {持续挑战,以了解儿童与成人儿童的多药和利福平抗性结核病},体积= {57},数字= {2},Elocation-id = {2002504},年= {2021},DOI = {10.1183 / 13993003.02504-2020},出版商= {欧洲呼吸社会},摘要= 188bet官网地址{以前的分析表明,结核病(TB)的儿童不再是或没有不太可能具有多药(MDR) - 或利福平抗性(RR)-TB而不是成人。但是,新数据的可用性,特别是对于高MDR / RR-TB负担负担国家,建议有关国家特定估计的更新。我们在2000年至2018年间收集的人口代表调查和监测中的数据使用来自人口代表性的调查和监测,以比较赔率比与TB的儿童(年龄\ <15岁)的MDR / RR-TB,与成人(年龄> = 15年)的MDR / RR-TB的几率相比,TB.IN大多数设置(55个国家的45个),在全球整体上,没有证据表明年龄与MDR / RR-TB的几率有关。然而,在一些环境中,例如前苏联国家,以及乔治亚州,哈萨克斯坦,立陶宛,塔吉克斯坦和乌兹别克斯坦,以及秘鲁,MDR / RR-TB与年龄有关,= 15年。同时,在西欧一般,以及英国,波兰,芬兰和卢森堡,特别是MDR / RR-TB与年龄相关联的\ <15年。16个国家的数据有足够的数据来比较2000 {\ TextEndash} 2011年和2012年{\ TextEndh} 2018之间的时间,与德国,哈萨克斯坦和美利坚合众国的成年人相比,儿童的赔率比减少了证据。我们的结果 support findings that in most settings a child with TB is as likely as an adult with TB to have MDR/RR-TB. However, setting-specific heterogeneity requires further investigation. Furthermore, the odds ratio for MDR/RR-TB in children compared to adults is generally either stable or decreasing. There are important gaps in detection, recording and reporting of drug resistance among paediatric TB cases, limiting our understanding of transmission risks and measures needed to combat the global TB epidemic.Globally, the odds of drug resistance among those with TB are the same for children as for adults. However, setting-specific heterogeneity requires further investigation. Where temporal comparison is possible, the odds are stable or decreasing. https://bit.ly/2DSvzt3}, issn = {0903-1936}, URL = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/57/2/2002504}, eprint = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/57/2/2002504.full.pdf}, journal = {European Respiratory Journal} }