ty -jour t1-针对尘螨衍生的烯醇酶的交叉反应性抗体诱导嗜中性粒细胞气道炎症JF-欧洲呼吸杂志au -huang,nana au -li,jing au -liu,xiaoyu au -xiong,qing au -hu -hu,chengshen au -chen,chen,desheng au -guan,lvxin au -chang -chang -chang -chang,kexin au -kexin au -li -li,li,dan au -tsui -tsui,stehen,stephen,stephen,stephen,stephen,stephen,stephen,stephen,stephenKwok -wing au -Zhong,nanshan au -liu,Zhigang au -yang,ping -chang y1-2021/01/01 ur -http://www.qdcxjkg.com/content.com/content/57/1902375.Abstrict n2--Abstract n2 n2 n2 n2 n2 n2 n2 n2 n2 n2 n2 n2 n2 n2背景和目标嗜中性炎症是某些特定哮喘表型的标志。它的病因尚未完全理解。房屋尘螨(HDM)是气道炎症发病机理中最常见的因素。这项研究旨在阐明跨DM衍生因素在气道中嗜中性粒细胞炎症发展中的作用。从患有慢性嗜中性粒细胞性哮喘的哮喘患者中收集了血液样本,以分析HDM特异性的交叉反应性抗体。在细胞培养模型和动物模型中评估了针对HDM衍生的烯醇酶(ENOAB)在气道上皮屏障功能和气道炎症诱导中的抗体的作用。烯醇酶基因序列的高相似性(72%)在细胞培养模型中评估在HDM和人类之间被鉴定出来。在慢性嗜嗜性哮喘患者中检测到血清ENOAB。 The EnoAb bound to airway epithelial cells to form complexes with enolase, which activated complement, impaired airway epithelial barrier functions and induced neutrophilic inflammation in the airway tissues.Conclusions HDM-derived enolase can induce specific cross-antibodies in humans, which induce neutrophilic inflammation in the airway.House dust mite (HDM)-derived enolase induces cross-antibodies in the body, which recognise both HDM-derived enolase and the enolase in the airway epithelial cells, activate complement and induce neutrophilic inflammation in the airway tissues https://bit.ly/2XKSCgy ER -