@article {Durrington1902407,作者= {Durrington, Hannah J.和Krakowiak, Karolina和Meijer, Peter和Begley, Nicola和Maidstone, Robert和Goosey, Laurence和Gibbs, Julie E.和Blaikley, John F.和Gregory, Lisa G.和Lloyd, Clare M.和Loudon, Andrew si .和Ray, David W.},标题={昼夜哮喘气道反应是由rev - erbb α控制的,卷={56},数= {6},location-id ={1902407},年= {2020},doi ={10.1183/13993003.02407-2019},出版商={欧洲呼吸学会},188bet官网地址昼夜节律钟强有力地调节炎症反应,而时钟蛋白rev - erbb α作为炎症反应的抑制因子发挥着关键作用。哮喘是一种呼吸道炎症性疾病,在一天中有很强的时间节律。气道高反应性(AHR)是哮喘的主要特征;然而,目前还不清楚这是否受时钟控制。目的研究时钟蛋白rev - erbb α是否对过敏介导的AHR有门控作用。方法分别于拂晓或黄昏暴露于室内尘螨过敏原激发模型后,侵入性地测定小鼠对甲胆碱的AHR。主要结果野生型(WT)小鼠在体内和离体肺切片上显示出明显不同的一天中AHR反应时间(黄昏/活动期开始时最大)。在缺乏生物钟基因rev - erbb α的小鼠中,AHR的时间效应被消除,这表明这种对哮喘反应的影响可能是通过昼夜节律钟介导的。 We suggest that muscarinic receptors one (Chrm 1) and three (Chrm 3) may play a role in this pathway.Conclusions We identify a novel circuit regulating a core process in asthma, potentially involving circadian control of muscarinic receptor expression, in a REV-ERBα dependent fashion.Clinical implication These insights suggest the importance of considering the timing of drug administration in clinic trials and in clinical practice (chronotherapy).REV-ERBα gates airway hyper-responsiveness by time of day. Future asthma therapies should aim to dose anti-muscarinic agents at the most efficacious time of day (chronotherapy) and modulate the molecular clock https://bit.ly/37qY4sC}, issn = {0903-1936}, URL = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/56/6/1902407}, eprint = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/56/6/1902407.full.pdf}, journal = {European Respiratory Journal} }