AU - Hull, James H. AU - Jackson, Anna R. AU - Ranson, Craig AU - Brown, Freddie AU - Wootten, Moses AU - Loosemore,迈克TI -系统评估的好处呼吸健康的疾病易感运动员援助- 10.1183/13993003.03722 -2020 DP - 2020年1月01 TA -欧洲呼吸杂志PG - 2003722 4100 - 4099 - // 2020. -短// AB -呼吸道疾病是精英运动员训练和比赛时间损失的主要原因。众所周知,哮喘在运动员中普遍存在,但在那些被认为易患呼吸道疾病的运动员中,其他呼吸问题的共存尚不清楚。本研究的目的是应用综合前瞻性方法来识别呼吸问题,并探讨呼吸疾病易感性增高的运动员之间的关系。英国世界级表现项目运动员通过有效的问卷调查和以呼吸为重点的调查,完成了一项系统的呼吸健康评估,包括鼻流量、呼出一氧化氮、肺活量测定、支气管刺激测试和过敏测试的研究。122名运动员(55名女性,年龄24±4岁)完成了系统呼吸健康评估。在97名(80%)运动员中发现至少一项呼吸健康问题,需要干预;在73名(60%)运动员中发现≥2项异常。鼻窦问题是最常见的问题(49%),22%的运动员间接支气管激发试验呈阳性。分析显示有两个呼吸道健康集群;I)哮喘、鼻窦问题和过敏;ii)喉部和呼吸模式功能障碍。 Respiratory illness susceptible athletes had 3.6±2.5 episodes in the year prior to assessment and were more likely (as odds ratio [95% confidence intervals] to have allergy (2.6 [1.0–6.5]), sinonasal problems (2.6 [1.1–6.0]), and symptoms of laryngeal (5.4 [1.8–16.8] and breathing pattern dysfunction (3.9 [1.1–14.0] than non-susceptible athletes (all p<0.05).A systematic approach to respiratory assessment identifies a high prevalence and co-existence of multiple respiratory problems in illness-susceptible athletes.FootnotesThis manuscript has recently been accepted for publication in the European Respiratory Journal. It is published here in its accepted form prior to copyediting and typesetting by our production team. After these production processes are complete and the authors have approved the resulting proofs, the article will move to the latest issue of the ERJ online. Please open or download the PDF to view this article.Conflict of interest: JH has no conflict of interest to declareConflict of interest: AJ has no conflict of interest to declareConflict of interest: CR has no conflict of interest to declareConflict of interest: FB has no conflict of interest to declareConflict of interest: Dr. Loosemore has nothing to disclose.Conflict of interest: MW has no conflict of interest to declare