@Article {Wang1902157,作者= {Wang,Jieying和Li,Mengtao和Wang,Qian和Zhang,Xiao和Qian和Qian,Junyan和Zhao,Jiuliang和Xu,Dong和Xu,Dong和Tian和Tian,Zhuang和Wei,Wei,Wei,Wei和Zuo,Xiaoxia and Ziaoxia,ziaoxia,Zhang,Zhang,Zhang,Zhang,Zhang,Zhang,Zhang,Zhang,Miaojia and Zhu, Ping and Ye, Shuang and Zhang, Wei and Zheng, Yi and Qi, Wufang and Li, Yang and Zhang, Zhuoli and Ding, Feng and Gu, Jieruo and Liu, Yi and Wang, Yanhong and Zhao, Yan andZeng,Xiaofeng},title = {与主要SJ {\“ O} Gren {\ textQuoteright} S综合征相关的肺动脉高压:来自中国的多中心群体研究},体积= {56}id = {1902157},年= {2020},doi = {10.1183/13993003.02157-2019},publisher = {欧洲呼吸社会}188bet官网地址,摘要= {obsportives prippitives prientials sj {\“ o} o} gren {o} gren {\ textQuoteright})是肺动脉高压(PAH)的重要原因,它仍然不足以研究并需要注意。这项研究旨在研究PSS-PAH的临床特征,风险因素,预后和风险评估。方法我们建立了通过右心导管诊断的多中心PSS-PAH。该病例{\ textendash}对照研究是与PSS-Non-PAH患者作为对照组进行的,以识别PAH的危险因素。在队列研究中,计算了存活率,并在基线和随访访问中进行了风险评估。总共招募了103例PSS-PAH患者,其中526名PSS-Non-PAH患者作为对照。存在抗SSB(P \ <0.001,或4.095)和抗U1RNP抗体(P \ <0.001或29.518),PSS发作的年龄(P \ <0.001或0.651)和角膜染色的阳性(p = 0.003,或0.409)被确定为PAH的独立危险因素。1年,3年和5年的生存率分别为94.0 \%,88.8 \%和79.0 \%。心脏指数(p = 0.010,危险比(HR)0.161),肺血管耐药性(P = 0.016,HR 1.105)和SJ {\“ O} Gren {\ textQuoteright} S综合征疾病损害指数(P = 0.006,HR 1.570,HR 1.5700,) were identified as potential predictors of death in pSS-PAH. Long-term outcomes were improved in patients in the low-risk category at baseline (p=0.002) and follow-up (p\<0.0001).Conclusion The routine screening of PAH is suggested in pSS patients with early onset and positivity for anti-SSB or anti-U1RNP antibodies. Patient prognosis might be improved by improving reserved cardiopulmonary function, by achieving a damage-free state and especially by achieving low-risk category, which supports the treat-to-target strategy for pSS-PAH.The prognosis of primary Sj{\"o}gren{\textquoteright}s syndrome-associated pulmonary arterial hypertension might be improved by improving reserved cardiopulmonary function, by achieving a damage-free state and especially by achieving low-risk category https://bit.ly/3h7mZ9h}, issn = {0903-1936}, URL = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/56/5/1902157}, eprint = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/56/5/1902157.full.pdf}, journal = {European Respiratory Journal} }