TY - Jour T1 - 根据国家收入的多药 - 抗性结核治疗的变化JF - 欧洲呼吸杂志Jo - Eur Respir J Do - 10.1183/13993003.01394-2020 VL - 56是 - 5 SP - 2001394 Au - Kwak,Nakwon Au -尼古拉斯·奥 - 坎贝尔·尼古拉斯·奥 - 陈·阿德华,爱德华·奥 - ·格雷亚,梅德亚·奥兰 - 李克兰··李,米山,米兰诺夫,弗拉基米尔·奥尔雅·曼西斯,迪克·奥里姆,贾安吉·y1- 2020/11/01 UR - //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/56/5/2001394.Abstract n2 - 本研究的目的是分析多药物抗性治疗和结果的时间变化(MDR)/利福平抗性(RR) - 在国家经济地位的背景下 - TB)。我们分析了在MDR / RR-TB患者的MDR-TB治疗中进行了组合分析的荟萃分析的数据的数据来自37个国家。该数据由三个国家收入水平(低/中高中,高中)分类,并按照治疗启动时间(2001-2003,2004-2006,2007-2009,2010-2012和2013-2015进行分组)。分析了研究期的时间趋势。使用随机效应的广义线性混合模型计算不同收入群体的治疗成功的可能性。总,9036名患者分析。在研究期间,世界卫生组织推荐的群药物(左氧氟沙星/莫西沙星,BEDAQUILINE和LINZOLID)在所有收入群体中提高和治疗结果的增加。2001 - 2003年至2013 - 2015年期间,治疗成功率从低/低收入国家的60%增加到78%,从中高收入国家的40%到67%,73%到81%在高收入国家。 In earlier years, the probability of treatment success in upper-middle-income countries was lower than that in low-/lower-middle-income countries, but no difference was observed after 2010. However, high-income countries had persistently higher probability of treatment success compared to upper-middle income countries.Improved treatment outcomes and greater uptake of group A drugs were observed over time for patients with MDR/RR-TB at all income levels. However, treatment outcomes are still unsatisfactory, especially in upper-middle-income countries.Introduction of group A drugs is probably responsible for improved outcomes, even in resource-poor countries. However, a gap in treatment outcomes, which could not be fully explained by group A drugs, persists between high- and upper-middle-income countries https://bit.ly/2XJpO8U ER -