%0杂志文章Singhal, Pratibha %A Lunia, Prajay %A Salgia, Kapil %A Syed, Iram在三级护理医院就诊的耐药结核病患者中环丝氨酸诱导的神经毒性发生率%D 2020 %R 10.1193 /13993003.大会-2020.1593 %J欧洲呼吸杂志%P 1593 %V 56% N sul 64 %X简介:环丝氨酸是一种二线ATT B组药物(WHO),使用剂量为10- 15mg /kg。虽然环丝氨酸引起的精神作用是众所周知的,但神经毒性不常被诊断,很少有报道的病例。目的:研究耐药结核病患者环丝氨酸所致神经毒性的发生率及神经影像学表现。方法:对过去5年在三级保健医院就诊的耐药结核病(MDR、Pre - XDR和XDR结核病)患者进行回顾性研究。在93例患者中,89例符合标准推荐的环丝氨酸治疗方案。结果:15 ~ 35岁患者中,3/89(3.37%,男2例,女1例)发生神经毒性,神经影像学改变表现为齿状核B/L对称扩散受限。2例患者经脑脊液焦磷酸测序诊断为CNS MDR TB。第1例和第2例分别在第1个月和第11个月时头痛加重。第3例患者在BAL TB培养和DST中被诊断为MDR PTB。服用Rx 3个月后发生癫痫。在停止使用环丝氨酸后,所有患者的症状都得到了早期解决,并且在停止使用环丝氨酸1年后的MRI上神经影像学改变逆转。结论:本研究提示环丝氨酸所致神经毒性伴神经影像学改变的发生率为3.37%。 No correlation with duration of Rx noted. Identifying cycloserine as cause of neurotoxicity can be challenging due to concurrent administration of other drugs. Neuroimaging in such cases can help in confirming diagnosis of cycloserine neurotoxicity & guide necessary changes to treatment to prevent morbidity & mortality.FootnotesCite this article as: European Respiratory Journal 2020; 56: Suppl. 64, 1593.This abstract was presented at the 2020 ERS International Congress, in session “Respiratory viruses in the "pre COVID-19" era”.This is an ERS International Congress abstract. No full-text version is available. Further material to accompany this abstract may be available at www.ers-education.org (ERS member access only). %U