RT期刊文章SR电子T1转录组的调查揭示了人类肺移植捐赠者特定的基因签名摩根富林明欧洲呼吸杂志乔和J FD欧元欧洲呼吸学会SP 2000327 10.1183/13993003.00327 -2020 A1克里斯蒂娜Baciu A1安德鲁圣人A1里卡多Zamel A1杰森Shin A1肖惠白A1奥利维亚的脚腕A1 Mamatha Bhat A1 Jonatha188bet官网地址n C Yeung A1马塞洛Cypel A1井Keshavjee A1 Mingyao刘年2020 UL //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/early/2020/10/08/13993003.00327 AB - 2020. -抽象原理移植肺的循环死后捐赠(以便)除了脑死后捐赠(DBD)成为全球常规解决全球器官短缺的问题。体外的发展为供体肺肺灌注(EVLP)评估和修复导致的肺增加使用。我们假设,更好的理解之间的差异肺DBD和捐助者、DCD计划和EVLP和直接移植(non-EVLP)肺,会导致发现供体肺损伤具体目标的维修和翻新。组织切片的方法从人类DBD (n = 177),以便决定(n = 65)供体肺有或没有EVLP评估,收集在冷缺血时间。所有样本处理芯片检测。基因表达、网络和通路分析使用R,聪明才智途径分析和字符串。与蛋白质分析结果验证,多个逻辑回归和10倍交叉验证。我们的分析结果表明,肺DBD捐助者老年病的炎性细胞因子和途径。相比之下,以便决定肺显示转录组签名通路与细胞死亡有关,细胞凋亡和坏死。网络中心显示特定的药物靶点恢复DBD肺。此外,在DBD肺,TNFR1/2相关信号通路和巨噬细胞迁移抑制因子通路被激活EVLP组。 A panel of genes that differentiate the EVLP from non-EVLP group in DBD lungs was identified.Conclusion The examination of gene expression profiling indicates that DBD and DCD lungs have distinguishable biological transcriptome signatures.FootnotesThis manuscript has recently been accepted for publication in the European Respiratory Journal. It is published here in its accepted form prior to copyediting and typesetting by our production team. After these production processes are complete and the authors have approved the resulting proofs, the article will move to the latest issue of the ERJ online. Please open or download the PDF to view this article.Conflict of interest: Dr. Yan reports grants from National Institutes of Health, during the conduct of the study;.Conflict of interest: Dr. Baciu has nothing to disclose.Conflict of interest: Dr. Sage has nothing to disclose.Conflict of interest: Dr. Zamel has nothing to disclose.Conflict of interest: Dr. Shin has nothing to disclose.Conflict of interest: Dr. Bai has nothing to disclose.Conflict of interest: Dr. Hough has nothing to disclose.Conflict of interest: Dr. Bhat has nothing to disclose.Conflict of interest: Dr. Yeung has nothing to disclose.Conflict of interest: Dr. Cypel has nothing to disclose.Conflict of interest: Dr. Keshavjee reports grants from Canadian Institutes of Health Research, grants from Genome Canada, during the conduct of the study;.Conflict of interest: Dr. Liu reports grants from Canadian Institutes of Health Research, grants from Genome Canada, during the conduct of the study;.