@article {{{\ c c} olak2000558,作者= {{{\ c c} olak,yunus和nordestgaard,b {\ o} rge G.和afzal,shoaib},title = {castic纤维化的发病率和死亡率一般人口中的突变CFTR PHE508DEL},音量= {56},number = {3},Elocation-id = {2000558},年= {2020},doi = {10.1183/139993003.00558-2020}社会},摘要= {囊性纤维化(CF)是由常染色体衰竭的遗传遗传,该功能失调的囊性纤维化跨膜电导调节剂(CFTR)由于CFTR基因中的PHE508DEL突变而导致高达90 \%。我们检验了以下假设:CFTR PHE508DEL载体在普通人群中的发病率和死亡率与非携带者相比。我们的基因分型108 035从哥本哈根一般人口研究中随机选择的白人丹麦个体(从20 {\ textendash} 100年龄),用于CFTRTTRPHE508DEL突变(RS113993960)。横截面评估了慢性支气管炎和气流限制的风险。支气管扩张,肺癌,肺炎,慢性鼻窦炎,气道出血,自发性肺炎,呼吸衰竭,急性和慢性胰腺炎,肝肝硬化,伊利诺斯,伊利诺斯,胃和结肠癌在15岁时评估15年的总体生存和风险。随访(中值:9年)。由于CFTR PHE508DEL和已知CF,因此排除了一个人。没有其他人在基线检查或随访期间诊断出CF。在最终的108034个人中,105 176(97 \%)是非携带者,2858(3 \%)是载体(即CFTR PHE508DEL)。 Overall survival was similar between carriers and non-carriers. Compared to non-carriers and with multivariable adjustment, carriers had an odds ratio (OR) of 1.31 (95\% CI 1.16{\textendash}1.48) for chronic bronchitis, a hazard ratio (HR) of 1.88 (95\% CI 1.03{\textendash}3.45) for bronchiectasis and 1.52 (95\% CI 1.12{\textendash}2.08) for lung cancer. Carriers did not differ from non-carriers concerning lung function or any other morbidity outcomes as mentioned above.In the general population, carriers of CFTR Phe508del have a normal lifespan but an increased risk of chronic bronchitis (1.3-fold), bronchiectasis (1.9-fold) and lung cancer (1.5-fold).In the general population, carriers of the cystic fibrosis mutation CFTR Phe508del have a normal lifespan but an increased risk of chronic bronchitis (1.3-fold), bronchiectasis (1.9-fold) and lung cancer (1.5-fold) https://bit.ly/2YJn63Y}, issn = {0903-1936}, URL = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/56/3/2000558}, eprint = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/56/3/2000558.full.pdf}, journal = {European Respiratory Journal} }