@article {Kort1902502作者= {Kort、开罗和弗尔涅勒雷,罗兰和Chauffour与{\ ' e}撒谎和Jarlier,文森特Lounis,该和安德利,柯恩和奥布里,亚历山德拉和Guglielmetti洛伦佐和Veziris,尼古拉•}title ={完全公开每周的方案:一个概念验证研究},体积= {56}= {3},elocation-id = {1902502} = {2020}, doi ={10.1183/13993003.02502 -2019},出版商={欧洲呼吸学会},文摘={背景世界卫生组织建议监督治疗肺结核。188bet官网地址断断续续的方案有可能简化监督提高合规。我们的目标是分析每周的冲销活动方案基于药物半衰期长,bedaquiline rifapentine,在小鼠模型的肺结核。方法300瑞士感染小鼠静脉注射感染{\ texttimes} 10 - 6 CFU结核分枝杆菌H37Rv。老鼠一旦每周治疗方案包含:1)bedaquiline, rifapentine和吡嗪酰胺(BPZ);2)BPZ +莫西沙星(BPZM);3)BPZM +氯法齐明(BPZMC);4)标准的日常养生肺结核。所有方案都给出4或6个月。杀菌和冲销活动进行评估。结果2个月的治疗后,意味着计数在肺部0.76 {\ textpm} 0.60 log10小鼠CFU每日控制方案和消极的对待所有老鼠每周处理方案(p \日常控制相比,p < 0.05)。 All mice had negative lung cultures on completion of either 4 or 6 months of treatment, whereas 3 months after 4 and 6 months of treatment, respectively, the relapse rate was 64\% and 13\% in the standard daily regimen, 5\% and 0\% in BPZ, 0\% and 0\% in BPMZ and 0\% and 5\% in BPMZC (p\<0.05 for all once-weekly regimens versus 4-month daily control; p\>0.05 for all once-weekly regimens versus 6-month daily control).Conclusions BPZ-based once-weekly regimens have higher sterilising activity than the standard daily regimen and could greatly simplify treatment administration and possibly shorten the duration of tuberculosis treatment.Bedaquiline{\textendash}rifapentine{\textendash}pyrazinamide-based once-weekly regimens have higher sterilising activity than the standard daily regimen of tuberculosis and could thus greatly simplify treatment of tuberculosis https://bit.ly/2W8yx2r}, issn = {0903-1936}, URL = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/56/3/1902502}, eprint = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/56/3/1902502.full.pdf}, journal = {European Respiratory Journal} }