TY - T1的弥漫性肺泡出血继发于烟“vap”相关肺损伤(EVALI)在一个年轻的欧洲消费者JF -欧洲呼吸杂志》乔和J - 10.1183/13993003.00143 -2020欧元六世- 56 - 1 SP - 2000143 AU -维伦纽夫,托马斯•AU - Prevot格雷戈勒非盟- Le Borgne Aurelie AU - Colombat Magali盟——Collot赛米亚AU -鲁伊斯,斯蒂芬妮AU - Lanot,托马斯•AU - Brouchet Laurent AU - Rabeau不,奥黛丽AU - Noel-Savina,伊莉斯盟,迪迪埃Alain Y1 - 20/07/01 UR - //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/56/1/2000143.abstract N2 -我们报告一例28岁女性急性呼吸衰竭。患者无哮喘、血栓事件或出血等呼吸道疾病的个人或家族病史。她是一名重度吸烟者(过去5年每天15支),在事件发生前1个月“吸”电子烟(电子烟)。她在2天内消耗了10毫升装有尼古丁盐(12毫克·mL−1)的电子液体。未检测到大麻二酚(CBD)或四氢大麻酚(THC)。没有添加其他国产部件。患者未服用任何常规药物或避孕药。没有吸食大麻,可卡因或任何其他药物的报告(尿药检阴性证实)。她从未离开过法国。 She was referred to the emergency department (ED) for tachypnoea (respiratory rate 22–25 per min), desaturation at 80% in the context of dyspnoea evolving for 15 days. No cough, haemoptysis or extra-thoracic manifestations were reported. Her temperature was 36.8°C, pulse 98 beats per minute, blood pressure 123/79 mmHg. Heart sounds were regular but crackles were audible on thoracic auscultation. An alveolar and interstitial syndrome was observed on chest radiography (data not shown). Ceftriaxone and spiramycin was initiated in ED and oxygen therapy was started at 12 L·min−1.A notable case of EVALI not involving cannabis derivatives in a 28-year-old woman who developed an intra-alveolar haemorrhage without differential diagnosis after surgical lung biopsy and requiring extracorporeal membrane oxygenation http://bit.ly/2TXx79K ER -