Ty-Jour T1 - 吗啡改变呼吸控制但不是其他关键阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停表谱:随机试用JF - 欧洲呼吸期刊Jo - Eur Respir J Do - 10.1183/13993003.01344-2019 VL - 55是 - 6 SP - 1901344 Au - Martins,Rodrigo T. Au - Carberry,Jayne C. Au - Wang,David Au - Rowsell,Luke Au - Grunstein,Ronald R. Au - Eckert,Danny J. Y1 - 2020/06/01 UR - http:// Erj。Ersjournals.com/content/55/6/1901344.Abstract N2 - 意外阿片类药物相关的死亡日益增加。这些经常在睡眠期间发生。类化甲如吗啡可能会恶化阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停(OSA)。因此,患有OSA的人可能与吗啡造成的危害更大。可能的机制包括呼吸抑制和降低到咽部肌的驱动,以增加上气道塌陷。然而,吗啡对OSA的四个关键表型原因的影响(上气道脾气暴躁(咽部关键闭合压力;睡眠期间咽部肌肉响应性,呼吸道唤起阈值和通风控制(环增益)是未知的.21雄性未知根据双盲,随机的交叉设计(ACTRN12613000858796),研究了OSA(呼吸暂停 - 低管索引范围7-67事件·H-1)。参与者在一次访问和安慰剂上持续40毫克MS-。在非快速眼球运动(REM)睡眠期间,提供了从治疗水平的连续正气道压力(CPAP)的短暂减少,以诱导气流限制(REM)睡眠以量化四种表型特征。二氧化碳通过鼻掩模在治疗性CPAP上递送,以定量非REM睡眠期间的高竞争通风反应。40毫克吗啡没有改变PCRIT(-0.1±2.4与-0.4±2.2cmH2O,P = 0.58), genioglossus muscle responsiveness (−2.2 (−0.87 to −5.4) versus −1.2 (−0.3 to −3.5) μV·cmH2O−1, p=0.22) or arousal threshold (−16.7±6.8 versus −15.4±6.0 cmH2O, p=0.41), but did reduce loop gain (−10.1±2.6 versus −4.4±2.1, p=0.04) and hypercapnic ventilatory responses (7.3±1.2 versus 6.1±1.5 L·min−1, p=0.006).Concordant with recent clinical findings, 40 mg of MS-Contin does not systematically impair airway collapsibility, pharyngeal muscle responsiveness or the arousal threshold in moderately severe OSA patients. However, consistent with blunted chemosensitivity, ventilatory control is altered.Contrary to previous concerns, 40 mg of MS-Contin (morphine) does not impair pharyngeal muscle activity, airway collapsibility or alter arousal threshold, but breathing responses to CO2 are reduced, which could place certain OSA patients at risk of harm http://bit.ly/32Ljkac ER -