ty -jour t1-外部射频作为一种新型的肺气肿外疗法 - 欧洲呼吸杂志JO -EUR RESSIR J -DO -10.1183/13993003.01422-2020 SP -2001422 AU -WADA -WADA -WADA,TAKEYUKI AU -JAW,JAW,JEN -JEN -ERHAU -erh au -tsSSSSSSSSSSSSURUTA,Masashi AU - Moritani, Konosuke AU - Tsutsui, Mai AU - Tam, Anthony AU - Vasilescu, Dragoş M. AU - Cheung, Chung Yan AU - Yamasaki, Kei AU - Lichtenstein, Samuel AU - Machan, Lindsay AU - Gelbart, Dan AU-Man,S Paul au -sin,Don D. Y1-2020/01/01 Ur -http://www.qdcxjkg.com/content/early/early/2020/05/05/19/13993003.01422-2020.由于肺动脉空间的扩大,由于弹性后坐力丧失而导致肺泡组织破坏,肺泡交换不良和气道塌陷,其特征是肺组织破坏,肺泡空间的扩大和气道塌陷[1]。肺部容量减少手术(LVR)可有效降低具有上叶疾病占主导地位并能够耐受手术程序的严重肺气肿患者的长期发病率和死亡率[2,3]。但是,该程序的财务成本和围手术期发病率和死亡率限制了其在临床实践中的应用[4,5]。在这里,我们研究了在单侧肺气肿的大鼠模型中使用外部射频(RF)作为一种新型的体外治疗。Footnotesthis手稿最近在欧洲呼吸道杂志上被接受。它在我们的生产团队复制和排版之前以其公认的形式出版。在完成这些生产过程并批准了由此产生的证明之后,该文章将转移到最新的ERJ Online。请打开或下载PDF查看本文。兴趣相关:WADA博士在研究过程中报告了Mitacs的Ikomed,Mitacs的赠款的赠款。感兴趣的冲突:Jaw Dr. Jaw博士报告Mitacs的赠款),在研究期间。感兴趣的冲突:Tsuruta博士报告了研究期间来自Mitacs的Ikomed的赠款。感兴趣的冲突。 conduct of the study.Conflict of interest: Dr. Tsutsui reports grants from IKOMED, grants from MITACS, during the conduct of the study.Conflict of interest: Dr. Tam has nothing to disclose.Conflict of interest: Dr. Vasilescu has nothing to disclose.Conflict of interest: Dr. CHEUNG reports grants from Ikomed, grants from Mitac, during the conduct of the study.Conflict of interest: Dr. Yamasaki reports grants from IKOMED, grants from MITACS, during the conduct of the study.Conflict of interest: Dr. Lichtenstein reports In addition, Dr. Lichtenstein has a patent Method for selectively heating tissue issued to Ikomed Technologies Inc and Founder and Investor in Ikomed Technologies Inc..Conflict of interest: Dr. Machan reports he is an Investor in Ikomed Technologies.Conflict of interest: Dr. Gelbart reports In addition, Dr. Gelbart has a patent 8444635 licensed to Ikomed.Conflict of interest: Dr. Man has nothing to disclose.Conflict of interest: Dr. Sin reports grants from IKOMED, during the conduct of the study; grants from Merck, personal fees from Sanofi-Aventis, personal fees from Regeneron, grants and personal fees from Boehringer Ingelheim, grants and personal fees from AstraZeneca, personal fees from Novartis, outside the submitted work. ER -