PT -期刊文章盟Muruganandan Sanjeevan AU -泽帕迪,Maree AU -托马斯,Rajesh AU -菲茨杰拉德,迪尔德丽郭鹤年(b . AU -易金盟,他却回族分钟盟——阅读,凯瑟琳a . AU - Budgeon查理a . AU -伊斯特伍德,Peter r . AU -詹金斯,苏珊AU -辛格,祈祷歌AU -穆雷,Kevin AU -李,Y.C.加里TI -胸腔积液和症状的评估(请)研究患者的呼吸困难的症状性胸腔积液援助- 10.1183/13993003.00980 -2019 DP - 2020年5月01 TA -欧洲呼吸杂志》第六PG - 1900980 - 55 IP - 5 4099 - // 4100 - //所以欧元和J2020可能01;人们对与胸腔积液、其引流有关的病理生理变化以及影响症状反应的因素了解甚少。我们的目的是确定:1)胸腔积液(及其引流)对心肺、功能和膈肌参数的影响;2)术后呼吸困难缓解的比例及特点。方法前瞻性入选的有症状的胸腔积液患者分别在治疗前和治疗后24-36小时进行了评估。结果145名受试者完成了引流前、引流后测试;93%的患者的胸腔积液≥25%。排出的中位容积为1.68 L。术后呼吸困难评分提高(平均视觉模拟评分(VAS) 28.0±24 mm);dyspno12 (D12)评分10.5±8.8分; resting Borg score before 6-min walk test (6-MWT) by 0.6±1.7; all p<0.0001). The 6-min walk distance (6-MWD) increased by 29.7±73.5 m, p<0.0001. Improvements in vital signs and spirometry were modest (forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1) by 0.22 L, 95% CI 0.18–0.27; forced vital capacity (FVC) by 0.30 L, 95% CI 0.24–0.37). The ipsilateral hemi-diaphragm was flattened/everted in 50% of participants pre-drainage and 48% of participants exhibited paradoxical or no diaphragmatic movement. Post-drainage, hemi-diaphragm shape and movement were normal in 94% and 73% of participants, respectively. Drainage provided meaningful breathlessness relief (VAS score improved ≥14 mm) in 73% of participants irrespective of whether the lung expanded (mean difference 0.14, 95% CI 10.02–0.29; p=0.13). Multivariate analyses found that breathlessness relief was associated with significant breathlessness pre-drainage (odds ratio (OR) 5.83 per standard deviation (sd) decrease), baseline abnormal/paralyzed/paradoxical diaphragm movement (OR 4.37), benign aetiology (OR 3.39), higher pleural pH (OR per sd increase 1.92) and higher serum albumin level (OR per sd increase 1.73).Conclusions Breathlessness and exercise tolerance improved in most patients with only a small mean improvement in spirometry and no change in oxygenation. Breathlessness improvement was similar in participants with and without trapped lung. Abnormal hemi-diaphragm shape and movement were independently associated with relief of breathlessness post-drainage.The majority of patients improve after pleural fluid drainage. Abnormal diaphragmatic function may be an important contributor to breathlessness in patients with pleural effusion.