RT期刊论文SR电子T1合并症及对1590例冲击COVID-19在中国:全国范围分析JF欧洲呼吸杂志JO欧元呼吸杂志FD欧洲呼吸学会SP 2000547 DO 10.1183 / 13993003.00547-2020 VO 55 5 A1关,188bet官网地址卫杰A1良,文华A1赵怡A1亮,恒锐A1陈梓生A1李易敏A1刘,小清A1陈儒崇A1唐春利A1王滔A1欧,春全A1锂,李A1陈,平欣A1生,凌A1王,魏A1立,建福A1李,蔡辰A1欧,李民A1诚,博A1熊,山A1倪,郑毅A1翔,杰A1胡,俞A1刘,雷山A1,A1康磊,春亮A1鹏,宜香A1伟,李A1刘咏A1胡,宝丽雅华A1彭,彭A1王,建明A1刘霁阳A1陈,钟A1李岗A1郑,志坚A1秋,邵琴A1罗,捷A1烨,常江A1朱,邵勇A1诚,林灵A1烨,冯A1李,施跃A1郑,金平A1张,诺富A1钟,南山A1他,建星YR 2020 UL ^ hTTP://www.qdcxjkg.com/content/55/5/2000547.abstract AB背景冠状病毒病2019(COVID-19)疫情发展迅速worldwide.Objective评估患者COVID-严重不良后果的风险19分层合并症status.Methods我们分析的数据来自1590例实验室确认的31个省住院患者从575家医院/自治区/在中国大陆省级直辖市12月11日到2020年一月期间2019 31我们分析了复合终点,其包括入院到重症监护病房,有创通气或死亡。The risk of reaching the composite end-points was compared according to the presence and number of comorbidities.Results The mean age was 48.9 years and 686 (42.7%) patients were female. Severe cases accounted for 16.0% of the study population. 131 (8.2%) patients reached the composite end-points. 399 (25.1%) reported having at least one comorbidity. The most prevalent comorbidity was hypertension (16.9%), followed by diabetes (8.2%). 130 (8.2%) patients reported having two or more comorbidities. After adjusting for age and smoking status, COPD (HR (95% CI) 2.681 (1.424–5.048)), diabetes (1.59 (1.03–2.45)), hypertension (1.58 (1.07–2.32)) and malignancy (3.50 (1.60–7.64)) were risk factors of reaching the composite end-points. The hazard ratio (95% CI) was 1.79 (1.16–2.77) among patients with at least one comorbidity and 2.59 (1.61–4.17) among patients with two or more comorbidities.Conclusion Among laboratory confirmed cases of COVID-19, patients with any comorbidity yielded poorer clinical outcomes than those without. A greater number of comorbidities also correlated with poorer clinical outcomes.The presence and number of comorbidities predict clinical outcomes of COVID-19 http://bit.ly/3b9ibw5